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Hard Work Results in 100 Cosponsors for Auditing the Fed

John Tate

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----- Original Message -----
From: Campaign for Liberty
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:21 PM
Subject: Hard Work Results in 100 Cosponsors for Auditing the Fed

April 30, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Two months after its introduction, HR 1207, Congressman Paul's bill to Audit the Fed, now has 100 cosponsors!

Who could have imagined (even a few short months ago) that there would be this much congressional support this soon for transparency and accountability at the Federal Reserve?

Yesterday, Campaign for Liberty members all across the nation took action and delivered HR 1207 petitions to their representatives, both on Capitol Hill and in local district offices. We have received many great reports, and I encourage you to check them out this week on our National Blog and Recent Member Posts sections at

I had the privilege to join with volunteers from all over the D.C. area (and also from several states away) for our Petition Push on Capitol Hill, and I am proud of not only the hours they put in during one of the hottest recent days in D.C., but also of the way they represented Dr. Paul and Campaign for Liberty while distributing tens of thousands of petitions.

Reaching 100 cosponsors for this bill is truly a remarkable achievement, and it would not have been possible without all of your hard work. We are only in the early stages of this battle, however, and there is still a lot more to be done. We will continue to push for more cosponsors as we work to get HR 1207 through the committee process as soon as possible and to the House floor for a vote.

The following photos are from our Capitol Hill Petition Push:

(Several volunteers and Dr. Paul appear with four HR 1207 cosponsors. [Left to Right] Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, Rep. Glenn Thompson, Jr., Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Rodney Alexander, and Rep. Tom Cole)


(Volunteers came to C4L National Headquarters on Monday to help prepare the petitions.)

Click here to view the rest.

Thank you for your efforts. In a time when establishment politicians are desperate for answers, we have once again demonstrated what our message of freedom, peace, and prosperity can accomplish.

Together, we will finish this fight and restore transparency to our nation's monetary system.

In Liberty,

John Tate

President, Campaign for Liberty