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Six Lies That Are Bankrupting America

Martin Weiss

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From: "Grassroots Action" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 6:28 PM
Subject: 6 lies that are bankrupting America
Martin Weiss has an important message on the six lies that are bankrupting America -- and an update on his upcoming delivery of your petition to Washington, D.C. Please see below.

Your friends at Grassroots Action, Inc.

+ + + + + + + + +

From the Desk of:

Martin D. Weiss

    I'm delivering your petitions to Capitol Hill next week

    demanding that Congress stop the bailout madness!

    See below. -Martin

Right now, leaders in Washington, D.C., are promoting, supporting or condoning six lies that are pushing our nation further and further to the brink of bankruptcy.

They are lying about the health of the banks. They are lying about the solvency of the insurance industry. They are lying about the supposed economic "recovery."

I've outlined six of the most egregious in my special report that I've prepared for you here:

+ + Washington does NOT want you to know the truth

A disturbing pattern is taking shape here - a pattern of obfuscation and outright deceit that illustrates just how panicked Washington regulators truly are when they discuss this crisis behind closed doors.

To make matters worse, regulators have authorized accounting rules that allow banks to...

    * Inflate the book value of toxic assets they own...

    * Miraculously vaporize liabilities they are responsible for, and

    * Magically erase billions of losses in their quarterly

      reports and treat them like they never even happened.

+ + Washington Caused This Crisis! We must Stop It!

Let's be clear here: Washington caused this crisis by blessing go-for-broke speculation by our largest financial institutions.

Now, Washington is making matters worse by playing it fast and loose with the truth - even cajoling companies like Bank of America to violate their disclosure obligation to shareholders - and as a result, our leaders are slamming investors for billions of dollars in stock market losses.

Unless we stop them now, Washington will bankrupt us all with massive bailouts of companies like Chrysler, GM, Citigroup and Bank of America that take tens of billions more of our dollars for companies that, in the end, go belly-up anyway.

+ + I'm delivering your petitions next week!

This is precisely why I've spent the past few weeks urging you to join me in a national grass-roots campaign to make our voices heard in Washington - to sign our petition demanding that our leaders STOP these worthless, useless, pointless bail-outs before they bankrupt our entire nation.

So far, nearly 30,000 taxpayers and investors have signed our petition. Next week, I will personally deliver your petition to our nation's leaders in Washington D.C. But I want to bring with me at least 50,000 petitions to make the strongest statement possible.

Please forward this message to your friends and ask them to join you in signing this petition to Congress demanding an end to the bankrupting bailouts. Your friends can go here to sign:

+ + Last week that I'll pay you for ordering "The Ultimate

    Depression Survival Guide"

This is also the last week to get an automatic credit for your purchase of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide - for yourself, your family and all those in Washington that need to hear this message.

The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide has now hit BOTH The Wall Street Journal AND The New York Times bestseller lists. And it continues to be the #1 business investing book on!

Click here to order your copies:

Please remember: 100% of my royalties are being donated to the children who have been made homeless by this crisis.

And, if you purchase your copies before this week's deadline, for each and every copy, you'll also receive a $29.95 credit voucher good for the purchase or renewal of ANY product or service my company offers.

Good luck and God bless!


+ + + + +

Grassroots Action, Inc. (formerly is a for-profit Internet services company that builds custom conservative action networks for organizations seeking to expand their impact through the Internet.