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Is Revolution Ultimate Common Sense?

Christopher Epler 9Bill)

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"Revolution" can be a frightening word . . . but maybe it's just ultimate common sense.

May we look at just five metastasized cancers in the American spirit?

(1.)  The Bush/Cheney torturers and murders of literally hundreds of thousand of human beings (with a predictable number of children) are not being prosecuted.  They're not even being excoriated by the Barack Obama Administration.  They might just as well have been dog catchers or librarians.

(2.)  The Israeli lunatic right wing fringe of billionaire religious fanatics continues to wag American foreign policy like a tail -- as they have done for the last several decades.  The Chinese are right when they call us the United States of Israel (or AIPAC).  And yet we do nothing because our elected officials are hiding in toilets to avoid being "punished" by the neocon lobby.  It's also now obvious to barnyard animals that this gaggle of psychopaths has never wanted a "two state" solution/compromise in Palestine.  Beginning with ben Gurion, there's a book of documented statements that make it clear the goal of these right wing extremists is now and always has been the theft of the entire State of Palestine.

(3.)  9/11!  God in heaven -- 9/11.  Are we NEVER going to do ANYTHING about the self evident truth that 9/11 was an infinitely treasonous, national/international "inside job"?  Sometimes in life a rhetorical question says it all, and this question touches the bottom of the barrel of humanity.  What American political party and what foreign country immediately and radically BENEFITTED from 9/11? 

(4.)  The banks of America have broken the financial back of America, and yet we keep giving them money and giving them money and giving them money.  Why don't we nationalize these financial rapists of working class Americans?  Why don't we do something?  Why don't we do ANYTHING?  And is this matter independent of much of the above?  The banks may be the "face" of The Beast (mentally ill religious fanatics, the lunatic right wing fringe of every country on the Earth, and parasitic, astronomically rich elites), but aren’t the "things" behind the banks all of a piece with the traitors who massacred the soul of America during 9/11?  Indeed, aren't ALL of these questions simply talking about different aspects of limitless evil?  The Hydra monster comes to mind, since every time you cut off one of its heads, it grows several more.

(5.)  Obama is a debatable matter, but good, bad, or otherwise, he simply cannot do anything significant about the heart and spirit breaking fact that American is 100% a Dictatorship of the Rich (again obvious to barnyard animals).  Indeed, it’s even worse than that.  We aren't just a Dictatorship of the Rich (Paris Hilton has more money than a small country); we are a Dictatorship of the Rich Police State. 

 Speaking of police states, anyone notice any similarity between what happened in early 20th Century Germany during and after the burning of the Reichstag and what happened in our beloved country during and after the 9/11 treason?  Well, in the first case, it was the consummation of German fascism and in the second case it was the consummation of American fascism.  EXACTLY the same dynamic, with EXACTLY the same consequence.  If there is only one thing we absolutely must learn from history, surely it is this samo, samo strategy for how to engineer a fascist coup d’état.

Well, of course there are six, seven, eight, nine, and ten, but isn’t five more than enough?

By the way, this isn't "complaining", this isn't a rant, this isn't BORing political talk (since politics was invented by and for the vampire elites), this is "reality talk" and millions of us KNOW that it is reality talk.

We also know that none of these life and death matters will go away or solve themselves.  And even if you are still (desperately!) trying to keep the faith about Obama, the drum beat of some form of power of the people RADICAL CHANGE (don't call it revolution, if that doesn't work for you) throbs every more loudly just over the horizon. 

May I analogize?  It's as if we're half awake in intensive care and we have just enough consciousness and energy left to know that unless we SAVE OURSELVES from the murderous criminals who put us here, we don't have a chance in h___ of avoiding death or a human cattle, slaughter house future.

The bad guys are right outside the door, and they're talking a lot of psychopathic, religious fanaticism talk, and how they can sucker the human race into changing them from billionaires into multi billionaires, and how they're going to exterminate around two billion of us (too many human cattle) and how they are the one or two percent Chosen, Ubermensch, Gods and Goddesses of the Earth.

Exaggeration?  You know in your heart it isn't; you know in your guts it isn't; and you know in your soul it isn't.

THIS IS REALITY and what in the name of Jesus, Mohammed, and the Hebrew Prophets are we going to do about it?  And oh yes, we have very little time before the things outside the door unplug everything in intensive care.

Viva America!


W. Christopher Epler (Bill)
