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Take Action This Tuesday to Audit the Fed!

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----- Original Message -----
From: Campaign for Liberty
 To: JA
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 1:49 PM
Subject: Take Action This Tuesday to Audit the Fed!

April 24, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Campaign for Liberty has been on the Hill all week lobbying congressmen to support HR 1207, Ron Paul's bill to Audit the Fed, and we're pleased to report that the bill's momentum shows no signs of slowing down!

C4L's Jesse Benton has visited over 50 congressional offices, and reports that "the reception has been unbelievable.... Between our Hill lobbying, the work of Dr. Paul's congressional staff and the work of all the tremendous grassroots activists in our movement, we are making progress unthinkable a few years ago."  Read his report on the C4L blog here.

Thanks to that hard work and dedication, HR 1207 now has 91 cosponsors and more on the way! Our national office is filled with your petitions, and now is the perfect time to make our voices known to Congress.

Next Tuesday, April 28th, Campaign for Liberty will be holding its second official Mass Action Day by doing a "National Petition Push" for HR 1207.

If the media didn’t know what to say about all our “Audit the Fed” signs dominating the Tea Party visual landscape on April 15th, just wait till they see Congress slammed with tens of thousands of C4L petitions!

Make no mistake: We’re turning this spirit of freedom into real legislative action.

On the 28th, members of my staff and I will be joined by C4L members from around the DC area as we mount Capitol Hill to flood Congress with tens of thousands of your petitions in support of HR 1207.

But this effort will extend far beyond D.C., as we're asking C4L members all across America to take their petitions to their representative's district offices on the 28th.   Phone calls and emails are powerful tools, but nothing compares to a personal office visit.

If you want to take advantage of this weekend to gather more signatures before Tuesday, we have a new streamlined petition available here.

Be sure to visit your state page on to get in touch with your state coordinators as they are making plans to maximize our effectiveness on Tuesday.  And stay tuned to our site for more information in the coming days.  (Plan to bring along your cameras!)

Want to see if your congressman is already one of HR 1207's 91 cosponsors?  Click here to find out.

If he or she hasn’t yet cosponsored, please use the form on our website to send your representative an email right away urging them to support Dr. Paul’s bill.  This will be a great way to participate in Tuesday's events even if you can't get to your representative's office.

If your representative is already on board, please offer your thanks and insist he or she fight for a roll call vote on this crucial bill.

All you have to do is click here and type in your zip code.  Once you do that, your congressman will automatically appear along with an indication of whether or not he is a cosponsor.  The appropriate sample letter will appear below that information.

You can use the sample letter, or you can write your own.  Either way, make your voice heard!

Let’s flood their offices with our petitions.  Let's fill their inboxes with our messages.

Your letter, combined with all the thousands of petitions that we will be dropping on Congress and across the country next Tuesday, may just start a tidal wave that no one will be able to stop.

Our message will be clear: We will not allow the Federal Reserve to lead our nation into insurmountable debt.  We will not let them debase our currency or strew billions of dollars in taxpayer loot across the graveyard of bankrupt financial institutions with impunity and without public oversight.

This is the best shot we have at putting a stop to the Federal Reserve’s war on our savings and on our economy.

We’re working toward 100 cosponsors. With your continued help, we will achieve that goal.  Together, we will bring transparency and accountability to our nation's monetary system.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S.  We’re putting our momentum into action and declaring a National Petition Push for Tuesday, April 28th.

While members of my staff and I join volunteers to flood Capitol Hill, your fellow C4L members all over America will join you in dropping petitions at congressmen's local district offices.  Click here for an easy to use petition.

In addition, follow this link to find out whether your representative has cosponsored HR 1207 or not, and to send him or her an email.  You can use our sample letter, or you can write you own.

P.P.S.  Unlike the Fed, we don't just print cash when we need it.  We're totally reliant on your generosity to keep this fight going.  Please make a generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty today.  Click here to donate.