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Brave Afghan Vet Demands Answers from Congress

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-From: Robert Greenwald
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2009 2:56 AM
Subject: Brave Afghan Vet Demands Answers from Congress
Everything we have all worked toward in our Rethink Afghanistan campaign -- interviewing experts, airing debates, passing around parts of the documentary, and signing the petition for Congressional oversight hearings -- is starting to pay off. Thanks to your efforts, we were able to bring Rick Reyes, a veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan, to Congress's attention.

Reyes, a former Corporal in the US Marines of unquestionable military experience and patriotism, testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Reyes was powerful and truthful as he expressed serious discontent with the current mission in Afghanistan, telling Congress, "Sending more troops will not make the US safer, it will only build more opposition against us." It is fitting then, that Reyes sat across from committee Chairman Senator John Kerry, considering yesterday marked the 38th anniversary of when Kerry sat before the same committee, electrifying the nation with his account of the Vietnam War.

Reyes's testimony raises critical concerns that Congress must address before approving a massive supplemental war funding bill in the next few weeks. Let's work to halt this war funding bill by calling our Representatives, and urging them not to vote for it until all the questions raised in these hearings have been answered. If you're not sure who represents you, find out here.

We couldn't have brought Reyes to Congress's attention without you. Help us by making a donation of $20, $30, $50, or even $100 to this campaign today, so we can continue making your voices heard in Congress. Your support is paramount to continue the work we're doing; clearly it's having an impact! As Reyes told Congress, "I urge you on behalf of truth and patriotism to consider carefully and rethink Afghanistan. More troops, more occupation is not the answer."


Robert Greenwald

and the Brave New Foundation team

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