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Save Jobs and the Planet

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From: Darcy Scott Martin, TrueMajority
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 1:49 PM
Subject: Save jobs, and the planet
Today [April 22, 2009] is Earth Day, and President Obama is celebrating by visiting a wind-turbine factory in Iowa to show that we can solve our economic crisis by solving the climate and energy crises1. Congress is starting to move this week as well, and has pledged to address global warming and America's addiction to dirty energy2. But polluter CEO's are mounting a huge fight to boost short term profits by delaying the shift to low-cost, clean energy3.

On Friday we asked Obama not to wait for Congress before getting tough on climate polluters. Now we need to take the next step by getting the President to enact new pollution rules that steer our economy towards clean energy.
Taking action now to solve our climate and energy problems is imperative not only for the planet, but for the economy. Every day we wait to act, the US spends billions of dollars on oil, coal and other dirty energy sources with no future. Meanwhile clean energy solutions are right in front of us waiting to work. The U.S. wind industry now employs more workers than the entire coal mining industry, and Obama has called for the creation of millions of new green collar jobs.

But big polluters are counting on Congress to stall. Oil and coal companies are employing over 1,000 lobbyists to convince Congress to keep us dependent on their technologies - and they've already got some members singing their tune. House Republican leader John Boehner recently blamed global warming on 'cows, you know, doing what they do' and defended President Bush's energy plan as 'the responsible' course for America4.

We can't let un-informed blowhards like Boehner stall action that can create jobs and repower our economy. Sign for Earth Day and tell President Obama we want a clean-energy-economy NOW!

- Darcy

Darcy Scott Martin

TrueMajority/ USAction


Solving the climate and energy crises is the best way to fix our economy. But big polluters are trying to stall action.

Tell Obama not to wait, act NOW for green jobs