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We Are The People, Hear Us Roar, Confirm Dawn Johnsen Now, No Amnesty For Torturers, and More

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From: "The Pen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 8:43 PM
Subject: We Are The People, Hear Us Roar, Confirm Dawn Johnsen Now, No Amnesty For Torturers, and More
How About A Person With Real Integrity In the OLC For A Change?

When Dawn Johnsen appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee,

Republicans were petrified that if confirmed she would release the

torture memos, petrified because she had been so outspoken about the

outrageous abuses of and disrespect for law in the Bush

administration, and in the very office (Office of Legal Counsel) for

which she is now nominated.

But of course, the torture memos have now been released, BECAUSE we

spoke out in such large numbers to demand it, and they are just as

horrifying as we knew they would be. This underlines the reason all

the more that we need a courageous and outspoken leader like Dawn

Johnsen to set American back on the path of the world's moral

authority. The New York times endorsement of her described her as

superbly qualified. Dawn Johnsen must be confirmed immediately.

Dawn Johnsen Action Page:

So you can submit the action page above to send your message right

now to both of your Senators, and add whatever personal comments you

like on the subject, "Confirm Dawn Johnsen for Office of Legal

Counsel Now".

Or ... you can use our new Twitter gateway to do essentially the same

thing, with the sole difference being that personal comments in a

Twitter reply are limited to about 140 characters. If you are already

a follower of, you can just send a reply

through your own Twitter homepage update box like so.

@cxs #p974

We will finish this alert with a more detailed description about

exactly how the new Twitter response option works, for those who

missed the last alert which was dedicated to this, or who just want

to know more. But first our fellow activists at are

doing a terrific job of mobilization with an action page declaring

"No Amnesty For Torturers", and we all want to pile on there as well.

No Amnesty For Torturers

No Amnesty Action Page:

Your voices speaking out are primarily to thank for the fact that the

torture memos were released at all. And now that they are out there

in all their horrific despicableness, we have no choice, as if we

EVER did, other than to bring those responsible for those crimes to


Though in releasing the torture memos Obama said that those who

relied on good faith on those memos would not be prosecuted, with our

citizen pressure we can bring home the truth that NOBODY under any

circumstances could rely on a good faith belief that torture was OK.

Indeed, the memos disclose that the State Department strongly opposed

these abominations even as they were happening. Perhaps some limited

immunity to the smallest of the fish to obtain their testimony

against the criminal masterminds, but absolutely no amnesty!

The whole world is watching. Our moral authority as a nation is

called in question. It is our moral authority, not a bomb or plane or

missile, that is the most powerful weapon we have against

international terrorism, and only prosecution of the Bush

administration criminals can restore that authority. For this issue

your message is send to the Department of Justice as well as your

members of Congress.

And yes, you can also speak out on this issue through Twitter as

well, just send the following Twitter reply (and you can add a

concise comment of your own on the issue of "No Amnesty for

Torturers" as well.)

@cxs #p167

In this case there is a petition text that have

prepared to also attach, which you can view on their action page

above, or for the link on this page.

Please do NOT combine the message on this issue with the one for the

Dawn Johnsen confirmation, for example the following line is NOT

correct for the format, and would generate a message asking you to

pick what issue you want to speak out on.

@cxs #p974 #p167 (do NOT do this, this is wrong)

The part that starts with a number sign (#) is what we are calling an

"issue tag" and one and only one of those is both required and

allowed for each Twitter reply you send, so that they can be properly

sorted for delivery.

The New Twitter Response Option Step By Step

And now, for those who have requested a more detailed explanation,

here is exactly how you use the new Twitter action alert response

option, step by step. But again, this is just an additional way to

speak out if this would be the easiest way for you to do so.

1) First, you must have an account with Twitter of course. If not, go

to and click on the light green "Join" button.

Pick a name to use your Twitter username (the form will tell you if

your selection is available) and pick a password to login into your

Twitter homepage. Enter also your email address and your name and

submit the form. You are now logged into your Twitter home page.

2) Now that you are logged in to Twitter, go to and click on the gray "Follow" button under

the pic of the Capitol dome in the upper left. You are now a follower

of @cxs, which is our gateway to send your messages to Congress.

3) Now go back to your Twitter homepage, and within a couple minutes

of becoming a follower of @cxs you will get a Twitter direct message

from us. Look in the light green bar on the right side of your

Twitter home page to access your direct messages inbox.

4) In that direct message you will find a link that will

automatically log you into our contact info setup page. Enter your

contact info, just like you would on one of our regular action pages

and submit the form. You will only have to do this one time.

5) Now go back to your Twitter home page and from now on all you have

to do to send your messages to Congress is first type @cxs in the

update status box at the top and then type a space. You will see the

"What are your doing?" line at the top change to "Reply to cxs", and

the grey button labeled "update" will change to "reply". Now type in

the required issue tag, in the case of the issues in this alert,

EITHER #p974 or #p167 (but not both), plus any additional comment you

might like to add, and you can send your reply.

6) If you left the "Acknowledge delivery" checkbox checked when you

submitted your contact info form you will get a simple Twitter reply

on your homepage itself confirming that your messages were sent. If

there is anything missing from your message (primarily the issue tag)

you will get another Twitter direct message, just like the one for

your contact info setup link, with another link where you can view

your message queue, on a page that will dynamically coach you on what

needs to be added.

It's that simple, once you have a Twitter account, follow our Twitter

account (@cxs), and setup the contact info to associate with your To

Congress thru Twitter submissions, all you have to do is Step 5 above

to send all subsequent messages.

Please spend just a moment more and we will explain to you the

purpose of the issue tags and how exactly they work. Because the

gateway relays messages sent to @cxs automatically to your members of

Congress, we needed a way to filter out chatter NOT expressly

intended to be so sent. By requiring the use of an issue tag in each

message we can have a high degree of confidence that the person

sending the message has put some thought into what issue the message

is intended to address.

There are two types of issue tags. The examples above are of what we

are calling "special issue tags" which have PREDEFINED subject lines,

just like our regular action pages. For this reason, no personal

comment is required. It is just as if your were submitting the

subject line as your endorsement of the policy position. The special

issue tag all start with #p, and then a number (for example #p974,

#p167, etc.)

But we have also general issue tags for larger categories like

#health, #economy, etc, so you can speak out on any issue under the

sun that concerns you and rally everyone else you know on Twitter to

do the same. If you use one of the standardized general issue tags in

your message (all listed at in the left hand column)

there is no defined subject line besides the general category, so we

are requiring that you add a personal comment of at least 40

characters, for otherwise your members of Congress will not know what

aspect of the health care, the economy, or whatever you are telling

them you want them to do something about, and what exactly you want

them to do about it.

It is really very simple once you do it the first time. If there is

something you need to do that you are not doing exactly correctly,

you will get an appropriate message from our processing server as a

direct message if you are already a follower, or as a simple Twitter

reply message (basically telling you that you need to be a follower

of @cxs to proceed) if you are not.

And if you need any help we have also created a category of tags just

for that. These "help tags" all start with an asterisk (*) rather

that a number sign. So for example, if you need a new login link for

the contact info setup page send this twitter reply

@cxs *login

If you need help of some other kind, send the following Twitter reply

@cxs *help

And that message will go not to Congress but to us, and we will

respond and walk you through whatever part of the process where you

need help.

So again, the regular action pages will continue to work as they

always have. But the Twitter user base is expanding exponentially.

And this may be the MOST meaningful thing that a person could

possibly do with Twitter, to harness that connectivity into real

citizen activism. So for those who are on Twitter as part of their

lives, this may be the most convenient way for them to respond

quickly to an action alert.

And that is why we created this alternative channel for you, our


Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed

to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at