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Half of America is on a List...We Have a List Too!

Dave Bertrand

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Meet the world government behind closed curtains. The Bilderberg group, often referred to as another "Conspiracy Theory" has reached notoriety, since many of the participants are directly involved with the looting of America, The "New World Order," and they are also in violation of the "Logan Act." Former president Bill Clinton is the only known government official to have paid a fine....while many other government types continue to take their instructions from the world bankers, unscathed by laws that prohibit a current elected official from attending the Bilderberg meetings around the world. 

The list below is likely a partial list, since (we) have observed certain high profile government officials showing-up, through the hotel's kitchen delivery stations, underground garages, and any means necessary to stay out-of-sight from unbiased media types. One year, Hillary Clinton arrived, but was not listed. Then of course, the questionable escape from all media at Dulles international Airport, by both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Both were whisked-off to the Bilderberg meeting, taking place at the Marriott Hotel, following the DNC Obama winning announcement last year. Was there any doubt in anyone's mind that Hillary would play a role in the Obama administration?
