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----- Original Message -----
From: LU
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 12:23 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10




Regardless of how hard the media tries to make the nationally participating TEA PARTIES into a partisian affair it isnt happening. Tea Parties going on all over the US are comprised NOT OF JUST REPUBLICANS but of DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS, THIRD PARTIES,  and non party citizens.

This means EVERYBODY who pays taxes. Attend one and you will discover this. Republicanizing the Tea Parties shows us just how far the media is prepared to go in order to divide the people of the nation and devolve the TEA PARTIES into partisian squabbling meets which will acomplish nothing and ruin the movement. A plan to minimize the issue? Sabotage? It makes you wonder. Who tells the media to use this erroneous slant on the TEA PARTIES?

It\'s time the media faces the fact that the TEA PARTIES are a national movement gaining momentum. And to force a wedge down the middle and turn the movement into a partisian issue is dishonest and traitorous to the nation and shows news networks \'making their own news\' and battling against the people instead of accurately reporting the events. When you see this type of news making, perhaps it\'s time to shut off your tv.

When they set partisianship aside, Americans have more in common and are refusing to allow either party to interfere.

We have already seen what both parties in DC have done to this nation. They've torn it apart and are mistaken in the belief that they alone call the shots. They turned their backs on the will of the people, who burned down the phone lines telling them, NO BAILOUTS! The people were ignored.

This time the people will not be ignored!! This is a citizen\'s movement. POLITICIANS BE AWARE: Stay away from the Tea Parties with your political drivel speeches and stop appearing at them and using the Tea Parties for a political football to further your self serving gains. And people:  Stop inviting politicians to Tea Parties please. You are defeating your purpose! Why do you feel you need politician\'s at the Tea Parties?