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Why I'm Mad As Hell At Washington

Martin D. Weiss

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----- Original Message -----
From: <Grassroots Action>; "Inc" <>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 2:38 PM
Subject: Why I'm mad as hell at Washington
A compelling message on the financial crisis has just come across our desk from financial expert, educator and New York Times bestselling author Martin D. Weiss. Martinpredicted the current economic meltdown, and now he has an unusually strong message for Washington. What he's is saying could save our country from bankruptcy. Please see below.

Your friends at Grassroots Action, Inc.

(Formerly Services)

+ + + + + + + + +

From the Desk of:

Martin D. Weiss

I'm mad as hell at Washington for pushing our nation to the brink of bankruptcy and I'm not going to take it anymore!

My name is Martin Weiss and I've spent my entire adult life - over 42 years so far - helping everyday people grow their wealth while avoiding the dangers that ambush so many investors.

Quite frankly, I saw this financial catastrophe coming:

* In 2005 I warned my readers about the coming catastrophic

   housing bubble…

* In 2006 about the coming collapse on Wall Street…

* In 2007 that Wall Street's largest brokers were on the

   brink of ruin and the financial sector was going to crumble…

* And last year, before the collapse hit, I warned of the

   greatest stock market crash since the Great Depression

   (three months before it hit), predicted the demise of

   Bear Stearns (102 days advance), Lehman Brothers (182

   days ahead) and Citigroup (110 days). I even warned

   about the downfall of Fannie Mae and General Motors

   well before they went belly-up for bailouts.

++ The government's horribly flawed plan is destroying us!

These are dark days for America: The most severe economic crisis in eight decades is threatening to snuff out the American Dream for millions of hard-working Americans.

And as a financial expert (not a politician!), it's crystal clear to me that the U.S. government's horribly flawed plan to bail out giant corporations - and massively spend us out of this recession - is only pushing us further down the slippery slope to economic Armageddon.

I've HAD IT with Washington's plan to throw $14 TRILLION of our money at failed bankers, brokers, insurers and automakers.

I'm FED UP with Washington spendthrifts who are exploding the national debt and burdening our children for decades to come…

I'm fighting MAD over insane corporate bailouts that can only guarantee this crisis will cut far deeper and last far longer than necessary…

And the worst is yet to come. If Washington does not get its act together and stop the insanity of bailouts and spending, it will ruin our economy, destroy the dollar, decimate the stock market and leave millions of Americans holding the bag!

++ There IS a solution… If Washington would only listen!

Only days ago, I traveled to Capitol Hill where I delivered a White Paper on the crisis and my proposed solutions at the National Press Club. My warnings were then relayed to the public by the major news outlets.

I delivered the same paper to relevant committee members of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate… the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the White House.

At gatherings attended by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and other key players, I conveyed the same message.

I've frankly done everything in my power to get Washington to learn from the lessons of history…

Now I'm turning to you.

I've just launched a national grassroots petition giving citizens a unique and powerful opportunity to confront the Washington elite with the truth - warning them against trying to save these sinking "too-big-to-fail" companies at the expense of our nation and our future.

My goal is to mobilize hundreds of thousands of citizens who are angrily telling Washington, "Thanks for NOTHING! I'd rather bailmyself out!"

Contrary to what most people in Washington seem to think, the government is NOT the answer to what ails us -- we are!

Will you stand with me as I deliver this powerful message from hard-working, tax-paying citizens like you who are saying "NO!"  to the government's disastrous path that we are traveling? Click here to take action:

Just as soon as we reach our goal of 100,000 signers, I will take your petitions to Capitol Hill and confront the key players who are leading us down this path of ruin.

+ + Six Steps You Must Take Immediately To  Protect Yourself During This Economic Crisis

Once you sign the petition, I will immediately give you exclusive access to my Special Report - "Six Urgent Steps You Must Take Immediately To Protect And Grow Your Wealth As This Crisis Intensifies."

These are practical steps you must understand - steps that have guided my family and hundreds of thousands of investors through the worst of financial crises.

But first, I need your help to get a message through to Washington that we are fighting MAD and are not going to allow government spendthrifts to exploit the current economic crisis, explode the national debt and burden our children and grandchildren for decades to come!

We CAN reverse the economic death spiral that continues to intensify, but I need your help. Please sign my petition to Congress here:

Thanks for taking immediate action.


Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D.

P.S. Remember: I am NOT a politician - I am a financial expert who has helped hundreds of thousands of people invest wisely and protect their wealth from economic upheaval. Now, I need your help to send a strong message to Washington that we are SICK AND TIRED of bailouts that are only making this crisis worse. Go here:

P.P.S. I also want to share with you the SIX STEPS you must take to protect and even grow your wealth as this economic storm worsens. But first, I need you to sign the petition.

+ + + + +

Grassroots Action, Inc. (formerly is a for-profit Internet services company that builds custom conservative action networks for organizations seeking to expand their impact through the Internet.