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HMO America and Real ID

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Quote of the Day: "The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments. The state can be, and has often been . . . the main source of mischief and disaster." -- Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) Economist and social philosopher

Subject: How REAL ID will help turn all of America into a giant HMO

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has pledged to review/reconsider the REAL ID national identity card.

It's not hard to see why. Many Americans hate REAL ID, and 22 states have refused to comply with the program. DC Downsizers alone have bombarded Congress with 112,227 message demanding that REAL ID be repealed. So . . .

Should we be happy that Napolitano wants to review the REAL ID program? Not very. At best, we believe the outcome will be to . . .

* Repackage the program, perhaps under a new name

* Divide the program into parts, so it can be implemented in stages, such as with the TWIC program

* Concoct ways to bribe and coerce state governments to submit to the revised program

It's hard to envision that REAL ID will really disappear, until or unless we compel Congress to repeal the authorizing legislation. In fact, we believe that REAL ID, in one form or another, is part of a grand scheme to empower the federal government to track everyone and everything at all times! This grand scheme includes . . .

* The National Animal Identification System (NAIS)

* A new system being devised to track food products

* The NSA system of universal warrantless spying on Americans

* And the new federal program to create universal electronic health records

We believe that all of these programs will eventually be combined to give the Feds "total information awareness."

Are we being hysterical? Many would claim that we are, and they could point to aspects of current government plans that fall far short of being able to "track everyone and everything at all times." But such criticisms miss a crucial point. The evidence is overwhelming that government programs . . .

* Tend to grow larger

* Nearly always come to include features the politicians promised they would never have

We predict that, should some version of REAL ID come into existence, it will eventually be combined with all the other tracking and surveillance systems described above. Most importantly . . .

We predict that your REAL ID will be combined with universal electronic medical records to control the kind of health care you receive.

We see the writing on the wall, and it says that the federal government is going to turn the entire United States health system into a giant HMO, with all of your medical procedures controlled by far off bureaucrats. This control will be enforced through something resembling REAL ID, tied to your electronic health records.

Is this what you want? If not, please use our Educate the Powerful system to ask your representatives to repeal the REAL ID Act. Use your personal comments to object to . . .

* The vast array of databases and tracking systems the politicians are creating

* Any attempt to implement something like REAL ID in bits and pieces

Tell them you want REAL ID repealed, not revised.

If you've used our Educate the Powerful System before, the best way to send your message, given our current technical difficulties, is to log-in using the log-in button at the top of our home page.

Then, click on the campaign button on the navigation strip at the top of the page, then click on the "REAL ID" campaign button at the top of the left hand column. That will call-up the page for sending your message.

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Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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