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Mandating No HARMonization: We Must Act NOW!

Natural Solutions Foundation

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-From: Natural Solutions Foundation
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 7:30 PM
Subject: Mandating No HARMonization: we must act NOW!

URGENT! In This Issue:

Food Fascism and Codex Alimentarius

The Link between HR 875 and the New World Order


The General's Communiqué

Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine (U.S. Army Ret.) 



URGENT: Congress MUST Act NOW to Protect You From Both Codex AND Food (sic) Safety (sic) Bills

Food, as the Natural Solutions Foundation has been saying for quite some time, is the central struggle for freedom and survival for each of us.  Today, in the US, as has already taken place in Europe, another battle around food and freedom has been joined through a set of bills ostensibly devoted to "Food Safety" (sic) and "Food Security" (sic) including HR 875, S 425, and the even more dangerous HR 759. 

Internationally, certain US agencies, like the failed FDA and the dangerous USDA, continue to support restrictions on our freedoms to "HARMonize" us with the increasingly anti-health food restrictions of the EU, which embody, and even exceed, the madness of Codex.

The forces arrayed against us are enormous, but actually have significant weaknesses.  In times like these, times of war, it is critically important that we do not lose heart. Those forces want very much for us to believe that they are strong and we are hopelessly weak, that we are impotent to change their victory into ours. 

In fact, our actions matter very much.  Just think about any struggle for freedom and you'll see the parallel.  We are the freedom fighters, you and I. Your willingness, Mouse Warriors, to ride your computer mouses to send strong messages to decision makers will have an enormous impact IF there are enough of us. 

No war has ever been won through defensive action.  We must be on the offensive at all times.  That is a fundamental Principle of War and a Principle of the Natural Solutions Foundation.  Your voices constitute  Mass, also an essential Principle of War.  More and more and more voices collectively give us power - so take the message viral.

If you've been a part of the Health Freedom Action eAlert Mouse Warrior Army for a while, you already know about the impact of our efforts. If you are one of the tens of thousands of people who have joined us us the past week or so (!), take a moment to look at our accomplishments page ( to see how we are fighting - and making headway - for Health Freedom.

This IS a war and we cannot rest on our laurels, no matter how satisfying they are, so TODAY, I NEED THE ARMY OF MOUSE WARRIORS - YOU, AND YOU, AND YOU -TO SEND A CLEAR MESSAGE TO PRESIDENT OBAMA, YOUR CONGRESS PEOPLE AND OTHER DECISION MAKERS TO TELL THEM THAT NEITHER CONGRESS NOR THE US CODEX DELEGATES ARE ABOVE THE LAW - US LAW!  We are taking action in Europe, too, but the strategy is different there.  Read on.


Tell the Corporate-lobbied decision makers to read - AND ACT ON - our powerful new National Solutions White Paper - - calling on Congress to make REAL change, change that matters.


In this seminal White Paper, the Natural Solutions Foundation details precisely why Congress MUST intervene and mandate that the US Codex delegation finally adhere to US law and represent the interest of the people. IF they are supporters of the US Constitution, they have no choice but to do so.  We notified the FDA in 2005 through our Citizens' Petition to force that change.  The FDA did not comply with its legal obligation to respond to that Petition so now we are taking it to the US Congress which has a sworn obligation to uphold and defend the Constitution. 

In this 20 page White Paper we explain to Congress and the President why Congress MUST enact strong assurances that our organic, home, family and small garden, farm and ranch enterprises will not be destroyed by the industrialized agriculture interests seeking to do so.  These Agribiz and Biotech giants poses a real threat to food safety, to health and to freedom.

Please act here and read on...

White Paper:

Time is short and real food security is of immense importance to us all.

It is time to demand REAL change: that Congress and the President change directions!


Legal Eagle

Ralph Fucetola JD


Summary: Foundation White Paper: "Health Freedom is Our First Freedom" Mandates No HARMonization with CODEX, Food Safety and Food Regulation

The critically important Natural Solutions Foundation White Paper ( addresses the urgent need for Congress to adopt strong assurances that American access to nutrition which is:

  • Clean
  • Unadulterated
  • Biologically effective
  • Health-promoting
  • Wholesome 

and which will not be compromised by "HARMonization" of new Federal food safety laws (including HR 875, 759, S. 425, etc.) with domestic or international rules, regulations or standards.  These international rules, such as the Guidelines and Standards ratified and promulgated by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the World Food Code), often violate US or other national law, but are instituted anyway...

Read more of this article: 

Read the entire White Paper here ( and take a moment to send Congress a strong message about this requirement right now if you haven't done so yet.  Click here:

And please remember...

Read more of this article: 



Video Reports on NSF-Europe

You know that General Bert and I were in Europe during  February and March this year.  We learned a great deal, including the fact that the EU politicians are hell-bent-for-leather to do the same thing that the Food Security (sic) and Safety (sic) laws are attempting to do here.  They already are in the process of a total loss of all supplements of a high enough dose to do any good and have lost most types of supplements by now.  The situation is grim enough for people to be ready to act.

We have created a new focus to our activity: Natural Solutions Foundation -Europe.

Watch a report with one of our outstanding European allies, Alex Benesch,, and me, as we fill you in on what we are up to in Europe:

Watch NSF-E Report here ( or at

Let your European friends and collegues know about us.  We'll be taking on vital issues like keeping the EU GMO free.  Interested?  Join the NSF-E forum at

And here is the lecture that Gen. Bert and I presented at the Anti Censorship Conference in Chur, Switzerland, to more than 2000 people on a cold and snowy day in February, 2009.  The first 5 minutes are an introduction (and a very nice one, by the way) in German. After that, it's in English:



Biological False Flag Event on April 29?  Will FEMA Use Exercise to Mask Release of Weaponized Avian Flu?

I want what I am about to share with you to be wrong.  I want the intense preparation we are receiving to make a Pandemic seem inevitable, even normal, to be nothing more than officialdom gone idiotic. I want the widespread publicity which our blasts bring to information like this to exert enough push-back to make this horrific event, if it is planned, be cancelled.

But the recent apparent failed attempt through Baxter to create an Avian Flu Pandemic AND a market for its almost-approved Avian Flu vaccine in Europe makes it look very much like the Powers That Be (PTB) are really serious about killing off a whole lot of us while receiving humongus amounts of money for the priviledge of doing so.

Read more of this urgent article...

Major false flag events like 9/11, the London Bombings and the Madrid Bombing were all accompanied by "Security Training Exercises" which paralleled the real events ...

So when we learned that FEMA has scheduled an Avian Flu outbreak exercise on April 29th in Akron OH...

Read more of this urgent article...

...and a biological false flag attack was forestalled in September of 2008.

We may never know for sure but please, God, please keep us protected enough to be wrong forever on this kind of genocidal event.



Kathy's Corner


Growing Your Own IS a Natural Solution

Many folks have written to us asking about Heritage/Heirloom seed sources (these are seeds that provide new seeds, year after year, at harvest's end). Hybrids do not always breed true, so you are dependent on companies to keep supplying you with your seeds. Heirloom seeds, on the other hand, are open pollinated, so their DNA in next year's plants is the way it it was in last year's, and in your grandmother's garden, as well.

You may already know that Gen. Bert and Dr. Rima are in Panama creating the Valley of the Moon Eco Demonstration Project ( in the beautiful, bountiful, temperate Highlands of Panama right now.  They are not only creating a Beyond Organic BioDynamic Zero Emissions™ Farm and Farm School for farmers, they are also creating a training program in Intensive Urban Agriculture for non-farmers like most of you - and me!

This weekend, you'll receive in your in-box Dr. Rima's first photgraphic essay, Growing Our Own, Step 1" on her early steps in the same process most of us will go through when we begin to grow our own. Some lucky souls out there already grow their own- we hope you'll join us in sharing wisdom and experience in our new newsletter (now in development) for people like us who want to grow our own - despite what the Agribiz and Biotech dominators out there want!

You'll probably also want a library to help you out, too.  There are dozens and dozens of books available ...

To read this entire article, with important information for you:

For those who want to learn more or share knowledge with others, we have created a food person and gardener's chat. Go to our Food and Farming Forum to sign on:

And to make sure we let you know when the first issue of the Grow Your Own Newsletter is ready, please click here:

May both your thumbs turn green!

Yours in health and freedom,

Kathy Greene



Want to Know What's Happening At Codex?  So Do We!

Nobody gives you better information about Codex and no other health freedom group has the kind of impact that we do at Codex.

The next significant Codex meeting (there's at least one a week, all year long), will be in Calgary, Canada from May 4 - May 8, 2009. The 37th Codex Committee on Food Labeling will be deliberating several items which have direct bearing on your health and the environment.  First of all, the battle rages between the Pro Health countries and the US and its minions about whether to, or how, to implement the WHO Global Strategy on Diet,Physical Activity and Health.  This document could, if properly used, enhance the world's health.  Tragically, Dr. Rolf Grossklaus (of the Codex Committee on Nutrition) and the US have led the fight against it. Their agenda is clearly NOT health.

Next, guidelines for the production, processing, labeling and marketing or organic foods will be on the docket.  This will be a battle about whether the US will be allowed to weaken organic standards yet more.

And then there is the labeling of foods which are genetically modified.  The US is trying to force down the world's throat, quite literally, the concept that it shoudl be FORBIDDEN to label GMOs.  The rest of the world is not very happy with this assault on truth and consumer protection.  But that's what Big Biotech has managed for itself in the US and it wants the same, despite crop failures and major health hazards emerging.

So who is going to make video reports, do radio interviews, write daily updates and fill you in on what's going on there if we are not there for you?  No one.

Take a look at the calendar: if you want us there for you, it is time to make your donation, large or small, to send us there.

Click here ( to make that donation now.  If you are a US tax payer, it is fully tax deductible.

And thanks!


Dr. Rima Recommends

Rima E. Laibow MD

European Alert: Vitamin E Attacked

Our friends at asked us to pass this important story, because the intent of the globalists who want to control your body, and ensure that you are ill, in a profitable way, have the same thing in mind for everyone in the world that they are now implementing in Europe:

"A new Japanese study suggests that tocotrienols which is part of the vitamin E 'family' of nutrients, exert their anti-cancer benefits through their accumulation in cancer cells. In fact the Japanese study shows that accumulation in tumour cells is critical for the anti cancer activity of tocotrienols.

This is VERY important because the EU Food Supplements Directive, passed into law in 2002 and upheld by the European Court of Justice in 2005, will implement the first phase of the directive later this year and physically remove nearly two thirds of currently available vitamin supplement substances from the shelves throughout Europe. And yes, you've probably guessed it, that removal includes nearly the entire spectrum of natural vitamin E 'family of nutrients,' including gamma tocopherols and these very same tocotrienols. But hold on, because of earlier trade agreements signed by Canadian and U.S., Codex will eventually create the same problem for domestic manufacturing and sales even in non-European countries.

To read the rest of this article, please click here:

Natural Solutions Green Portal

and Nano Silver...


Introducing the Natural Solutions Green Portal! You already know that Natural Solutions Foundation is "More than just words…." Now it's about supporting your needs when you shop and our Foundation, all at the same time.

You buy things.  Why not have each purchase put a small donation - automatically, at no added charge to you, in our coffers at the same time?  Great idea, right?  here's how:

Watch my short video about the Green Portal:


Natural Solutions Green Portal


We look for solutions to social problems that support the natural environment. That's why we're pleased to invite you to "Go Green" and "Go Viral" with this Program by clicking on the link below, viewing the 3-minute video, and signing up TODAY to start saving:

How's that for a great WIN-WIN?

And, of course, DO NOT FORGET your present  - AND FUTURE - Nano silver needs!

To those of you who used our eAction Item to let the EPA know that you strongly oppose their classification of Nano silver, and the equipment that makes it, as a "pesticide" (sic), thank you.  You can be very certain that if the EPA is allowed to take this action, the FDA will be hard on their heels banning this substance - which they have been trying to do for more than 30 years. Why allow people to use safe, cheap and effective silver, after all, when you can force them to use dangerous, expensive and increasingly ineffective drugs at a huge profit to Big Pharma?

No one knows just how long safe, effective and very, very long shelf-life Nano silver will continue to be available.  Natural Solutions Foundation will, of course, keep working on preserving your right to access this valuable health aid, but we are all well aware that the "CHANGE" being offered to us is to remove our power and render us subject to the profit (and population) whims of multinational corporate interests - and worse.

That is why we urge you to make sure that you do not regret not having enough Nano silver, which has been shown to kill all pathogens, including avian flu viruses and eliminate the weird and awful condition known as "Morgellon's Disease",  on hand for where we are now, and what might reasonably be expected in the future.

(Go to "Products" tab on the top menu,  then scroll down to "Silver Solutions" on the left menu)

You can be sure that the multinationals are not happy about our activism.  This is a good thing.  The change we need will not come from them and from their agents unless we loose the Health Freedom War.  The outcome is up to us.

We MUST be the change we seek and we must bring it about through strategy and a united effort.

Thank you for your activism and support!

Part of that change is happening in Panama.  The Valley of the Moon(TM) Eco Demonstration Project has found a wondeful home.  If you want to know more, click here (  If you want to join the Yahoo Forum to learn more, participate in a conference call and find out what you can do to get involved, click here (

And don't forget to click here ( to purchase our totally clean Valley of the Moon(TM)  GMO-Free, Pesticide-Free, Toxin-Free Coffee so you can enjoy "A Little Bit of Heaven in a Cup(TM)" while you support Health Freedom at that same time.

Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima

Rima E. Laibow, MD

Medical Director

Natural Solutions Foundation


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Ask the U.S. government to change its policy on Codex Alimentarius