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Time is speeding past us at a rate most can't keep up with, our freedoms, our liberty, our soverignty, our lives are all flashing past us at lightening speed.

The only way for us to just survive in these times is to gather together and work as groups to maintain our standard of living we have all become used to. The right to eat good food, healthy food with no additives or drugs, the right to disipline our children, teach them moral values we cherish, the right to own property and protect it, the right to provide our own needs and not spend most of our time and labor furnishing the needs of the lazy, corrupt, ignorant and vile who inhabit our society.

The time has come to make a decision as to what you actually want and what you are willing to do to keep it. A serious discussion must be had with your family members and at some point you will have to make a decision. Either stay at your present location and hope for the best or move on to a better place that is more acceptable to your way of life, the life you wish to promote.

Staying in a city is totally dangerous at this time, no matter how much you have stored for your family will be at risk to those that have not. You cannot defend your property alone. There are too many people who will not be prepared. Even a Christian, moral and decent human being will turn criminal to feed his family when they are starving.

Just think of the problems living in a town or city can entail. Without power how will you keep your frozen food? Without power how will you keep warm? Keep cool? With people roaming the streets looking for food for their families will you have the ability and determination to shoot and if you do what will you do with the remains, call the police? How many people will you have at your side to withstand a crowd determined to take your property?

Without water how will you maintain your sanitation? wash your clothes, cook, bathe?

Without Grocery stores in business where will you get your Baby formula? Diapers? Laundry detergent? Eggs and Butter? Cooking oil? Toilet tissue? and the list can go on and on.

Where will the money come from to pay for services and products that are available? Will you still have a job and if so how will you get back and forth to it? For most of us our savings will be eaten up quickly as inflation rises.

If you wait too long how will you even get out of the area?

Now is the time to discuss all of these problems which loom in the foreground of our future. As we all know this country is in dire straights. What is the solution? How can we assure our family a safe and secure life while this country goes down and down?

One solution is to have a safe place to go to: A place with others of the same mentality and values, a place that is away from the crowds and criminal acts, a place that has people ready to stand and repell any and all invasive people that will be roaming the country looking to pillage, rape and steal what is not theirs. These people have become so used to taking what they want, not having to work for every single thing they need, live on the bounty of those that do work and pay taxes and obey the laws, these people are used to being caught and over and over released from the justice system because there is always a excuse, a crooked lawyer, a lazy judge or just overlooked totally by the law enforcement agencys. Gangs already rule many areas of our cities with out interference.

Decent people have to decide if they want their families to live like the Road Warrior movies, or be free to breathe clean air, eat decent food and have good neighbors they can depend on for help in any situation.

There is a place under construction now that can offer such a site. The site has limited space left and people need to decide now and either get their applications in or plan on building their own place or sticking where they are even in a time of upheaval.

There will be no mortgage payments, No utility costs, No taxes, A one time payment which is so little as to cause people to think there is something wrong? A $500 one time payment leases for 99 years a lot where you can put a travel trailer, RV, Tent, build a small cabin, put up a Yurt? what ever you feel you can live in. There will be a large garden area available to all residents ( each must help in some way to raise the food and care for it) a large pasture where we will have beef cattle, a couple of milk cows and goats, pigs and chickens. Our food supply will be secure.


Simple: the leased sites will completely pay off the ballance owed on the land all 220 acres of it. There will be no mortgage payments to worry about. The land is in the name of a Corporation ( NON Profit) making no taxation more than a possibility. The lease agreements are transferrable from one member to another in case of death etc.

We are planning on a community building to be used for meetings, meals if desired, canning our produce, storage of the supplies needed for every day life. A large bath house will be available with toilet facilities. The community kitchen will be used in the first stages as most people coming out will not have things set up to prepare their own meals without a lot of problems, it is just easier to make meals available for everyone who wishes to use this service. Plus this will promote discussions of how to get things done in a better fashion encouraging everyone to express their thoughts and experiences.

Everyone will be responsible in helping with these projects, cleaning, cooking, working in garden, building, etc. what ever skill one has will be used and shared.

Pets are welcome as are livestock, the only requirement is for each individual be responsible for their pet, if it is not friendly keep it contained, if it likes to chase chickens keep it contained, keep it's droppings cleaned up etc.. just common sense regulations. We all have special pets and see no reason to restrict their being part of our community. It is every owners responsibility to provide food for their pets.. When the stores are not available there will have to be a project to manfacture our own animal food for dogs and cats. There should be left over parts of slaughtered food animals to provide this, I have made dog food for my animals for years and they seem to thrive on it without all the additives added to aminal products now. We have a vet who will be a full time resident so will have ample information on what is needed for each animals health.

A barter system will be instituted to pay for items you cannot produce yourself or for help with private projects you are building planning etc.. or for products someone else has that you would like to have. A sensible method of exchange which has worked for years.

There are full time residents now that are in the process of producing power units to supply our needs off the grid. Power is available from the power company which we will have to be hooked to in the beginning until our own power is available. Water wells are being drilled by our own residents and the water table is good and within 60 feet so we are in good shape with clean water.

Septic systems will be built for each 3 lots with the plumbing to hook up to the system being done by the individual or they can always make use of the community facilities.

We have tried to forsee all the needs that will be needed for a group of people to live a comfortable life in a safe environment. there will obviously be improvements made as we find more and better ways of doing things. We are all learning. A lot of our permanent residents are of the age where we remember how it was done before all the city conviences came about so there is lots of knowledge which will be passed on to the younger people making their lives better and easier in times of trouble.

I am sure I have missed some points but this is the basic information on this project. And no one "NO ONE" will know the exact location of the site until they are a member. This will prevent a lot of problems with people knowing we are well supplied and bringing their families to us for help when they did nothing to help themselves and prepare. We are not selfish but are sensible. We can supply our own needs but cannot sustain the people who are not willing to make preparations for themselves.

Some people say they can't participate unless they know the address before hand ? Well then you won't be a member as this is for our own protection and will not be changed. It becomes a matter of trust. Just think, would I move to a place that is uninhabitable? Would I put myself in a place that would be unpleasant and unsafe to live in? No not for a minute. Will the money be taken and spent on a individual? If that were the case I have collected enough money to make my future pretty secure if I desired to steal from anyone. I plan on a pleasant life without the stress of being chased by anyone or named as a scammer, thief, criminal etc. I am a Christian and know the difference between right and wrong and at my age ( 71 ) don't have time to plan on redemption for any crimes or sins done at this late date.

Please go to our site and see what we have planned: We plan on a Constitutionally run County which is a almost sure thing with only 97 registered voters in the county. We have one of the most dedicated Constitutional schollars in the country running for our county sheriff... Michael Badnarik. Once he is the county sheriff we will have the power of the constitution to back our county and the man to enforce it. By the way all people over the age of 18 will be deputys to assist Mike in his job if necessary.

You can see more at: click on the links to freedom county and the bug out sites.

Remember there are a limited number available and it will be first come first served. We need to get these signed up for and get that mortgage paid off in full before starting any large building projects.

Now Is the time for you to act or be prepared to fight for your survival if this country goes down the tubes into a depression or worse. For $500 you can assure a place of safety. Is it worth that? I think so. For the cost of a new TV you can have a lifetime site for your family whether it is to live year round or visit or just vacation. Where else would you find a deal like that?


Simple answer : For our own safety and security. there is safety in numbers and security in people helping each other.

If you have friends and groups that are concerned with the state of the country please forward this along to them.


You can check us out at our other sites so you know who we are:

www.grannywarriors. com

www.rwefree. com
