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From: DB
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 8:13 PM
G'day Patrick - I don't know if you might be interested in this or not - it came from another of my US ePals & us Aussies can't do much for you guys except pass on the info - Cheers mate - DB
---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Andrew

Date: Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 6:44 AM



Dear Netty,

Keep up the good work. This was a great check list, but it does not resonate with the people. The only thing I know that resonates with the people is

Basso did indeed motivate the people in a few words. Of course the next step is to tell people how they are being screwed in specific terms and what they can, and must do quickly, before the people feel the pain, and we have a French style revolution with loss of everything. The people can direct their anger and contempt in person at the traitors in congress who voted for unconstitutional laws, they can do what Acorn does, and go to their homes and offices and demonstrate in a legal manner. The people should also contact and boycott those who give money to the traitor politicians, specifics on supporters are obtained at

I sent a copy of this to a few lawyers and others.

Andrew Wallace

From: Netty Wisbaum []

Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 2:27 PM




It’s time to work with our state legislators on a state by state basis to save what’s left of our country! As the principals to the Constitution, our states hold the ultimate responsibility for its proper interpretation and implementation! They are not to be docile servants of the Federal government but the overseers of it. And it's the responsibility of each and every American to assure our Representatives recognize and exercise their authority! One and all are needed to help change America’s current course of cultural Marxism away from the brink of financial collapse and constitutional tyranny. We should all network with the in-place strategy of the 1776 Take America Back Team at Do it for America, do it for yourself, do it for your children, and do it because it’s time to honor our country and those who have given their lives to ensure its freedom, not its enslavement to a New World Order premised on Marxist principles of pessimism, despair and oligarchy. Listen in Saturday 4-4-09 forum at 6:00 PM EST an go to for the outline and call in information.

The current administration’s mantra to ‘never waste a crisis,’ the very one which it in fact created, has wreaked more unconstitutional malice on American citizens in less than three months than at any other time in history. With lightening speed, it picks our pockets, squanders our resources, rewards our enemies, weakens our national security, redistributes what little remains of our wealth to ne’er-do-wells by punishing achievers, savers, small businesses, innovators, corporations, and entrepreneurs, and threatens to impose taxation on tax-protected accounts, relinquishes U.S. sovereignty of all U.S. regulatory bodies and companies to the international regulation of the IMF, with the irrational exuberance of a despot.

The life blood of entrepreneurship, the engines of capitalism, and the American spirit are in the process of being superimposed and socially engineered by world leaders, financier thugs, and global elitists who despise us with full support and blessing of the current administration as it throws the Constitution out with the bath water of a country on financial and cultural life support.

Emasculated self-serving elected officials of both genders and parties have favored their Wall Street benefactor buddies to the detriment of taxpaying American citizens, most of whom are too apathetic to see the clear and present danger surrounding them! Fifty five million Americans did not vote for this administration, replete with its cabal of thieves and criminals, most of whom should be behind bars for the generational theft and indentured servitude they have unconstitutionally transacted against American citizens and their heirs.

So where are these fifty five million Americans when they are now needed more than ever to roll up their sleeves to help fix the mess that they created? For that matter, why aren’t more than a few Republicans screaming bloody murder as their colleagues fail to honor their solemn oath to protect their constituents’ freedoms and financial resources currently being stolen and squandered with reckless abandon by an out-of-control federal government whose mission is to increase domination over its citizens while continuing to shred the constitution to smithereens.

These emasculated self-serving elected officials who aided and abetted the federal government in crippling its constituents with unprecedented debt and hyper-inflation for several generations to come, are complicit in having ram rodded these unconstitutional actions through congress with nanosecond efficiency and abject irresponsibility. They should be stripped of all current and future perks associated with congressional positions which are too shamefully and obscenely generous to detail.

The Republican contingent acquiesced to the unforgivable paralysis of spirit which allowed their election to be hijacked by ACORN’s voter registration fraud, allowed massive illegal foreign donations fraud to go unchallenged, and refused to demand that the FCC legislate fair news coverage to fairly vet BOTH candidates versus its unparalleled bias for the ‘hopeandchange’ candidate. The shenanigans played early on in the campaign by McCain and Huckabee to sabotage Romney, in tandem with McCain’s ineptness, handed the election on a silver platter to the purple kool-aid candidate. Sadly, that may be the likely beverage of choice for many Americans today whose dreams for the future have come to a screeching halt by the unconstitutional enterprise of the federal governmen

With cartoon-like apathy and arrogance, our emasculated self-serving elected officials refused to demand proof of citizenship to substantiate the community organizer’s eligibility to serve as POTUS. This, despite enumerable lawsuits acknowledging otherwise and his reported expenditure of $800,000 to suppress all passports, birth certificates/certificates of live birth, all medical and college records from Occidental, Columbia, and Harvard… all of which belabors the point of an oligarchy of emasculated self-serving elected officials long past its expiration date.


1/within less than 75 days, has created unprecedented, unconscionable, and draconian debt through the passage of a stimulus bill/bailout which not even one emasculated self-serving elected official deemed important enough to take the time to read, and recently passed a fiscally immoral federal budget exceeding $1.3trillion dollars, guarantying devaluation of our currency, pending replacement of same to a New World Order currency, and hyper-inflation in the immediate future

2/sanctions Card Check, ending the right to secret ballot voting as repayment for the DNC vote, unconstitutional taxation and continued erosion of the constitutional rights of free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, etc. ad nauseum

3/has manufactured crisis to manipulate fear and financial devastation in the financial markets threatening to wipe out American citizens’ retirement accounts for the sole purpose of passing the stimulus ‘poison pill’

4/refuses to protect its borders and prevents its own employees from performing their jobs to do so, such as ICE and Sheriff Joe Arpaio in AZ, and imprisons such employees in the line of duty to enforce our country’s immigration laws while severely compromising the national security of all American citizens

5/has filled its highest-level staff and cabinet positions with enumerable tax cheats, swindlers, flim-flam and scam artists, boondogglers, snookerers, bamboozlers, hoodwinkers, and connivers living high off the hog of other people’s money stolen unconstitutionally in the name of taxation, fraud, and other heinous criminal enterprises such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, Bear Stearns, etc. ad nauseum.

6/continues to weaken our national security to perilous levels by diminishing the size of our military and limiting the scope of its safety through the budgetary reduction of new weaponry

7/has reportedly given eminent domain for property owned by Americans citizens to China as collateral for the reckless debt likely never to be repaid for pet political projects veiled as ‘stimulus’ bailout

8/nationalizes our corporations as they continue to give trillions to its Wall Street investment firms and banker cronies

9/gives trillions to undisclosed recipients through a corrupt and unconstitutional Federal Reserve secretly established in 1913 and the Treasury Dept.

10/in the absence of transparency, proposes to give nearly a trillion dollars to black Americans for reparations

11/strikes down E-Verify legislation and proposes to enact amnesty for all illegal aliens (12-40 million who have nearly bankrupt each and every state in the union) to the detriment of American citizens’ rights, jobs, and entitlements through the sleazy introduction the DREAM act buried deeply in the bowels of the stimulus legislation unread by ANY of our emasculated self-serving elected officials

12/schemes to bring sharia law to the US through a favored Palestinian immigration citizenship and welfare programs, plans to hire a contingent of high-level Muslim staff, and takaful, an AIG mortgage insurance program offered in the US and predicated on sharia finance which donates to terrorist groups harming our soldiers and citizens across the globe

13/has created a civilian national defense force ala Nazi Germany for political propagandizing of American you

14/plans to jettison its aging population through a sub-standard nationalized/socialized healthcare system which has failed abysmally throughout the world

15/empowers lobbyists like the NEA, the American Trial Lawyers Association, the ACLU, C.A.I.R., Hispanic groups, transgender groups, agnostic and atheistic groups, black groups, etc. ad nauseum to dumb down the country for immediate assimilation to the subservient perspective of the New World Order

16/fixation on the left-leaning policies of the MSM, academia and Hollywood to impede or erode all semblance of sound character traits such as grace, integrity, honor, authenticity, courage, wisdom, valor, purpose, judgment, optimism, resourcefulness, perseverance, discipline, gratitude, pride, conscience, self-esteem, self-knowledge, self-control, charity, enthusiasm, joy, or compassion in favor of political correctness, multi-culturalism, trans-nationalism, relativism, collectivism, socialism, and the absence of religion unless it happens to be Islam or atheism. This travesty has morphed into the nanny state culture of the walking dead, plugged-in zombies unable to assess the clear and present danger of the tsunami at their doorstep, let alone formulate any solutions.

17/conspires with global elitists for expedited programs to impose domination of the New World Order for total empowerment over banking, currency, food/animal production, pharmaceuticals, child-rearing, religion extinction, global military force, mandatory vaccines for population control, fascism-inspired indentured servitude of planet earth, climate change cap and trade financial burdens guaranteed to thwart entrepreneurial growth and production, and to further castrate the American spirit and psyche.

18/constructs nearly 30 nationwide detention camps and mass graveyards through FEMA on American soil for the purpose of disarming and detaining American citizens, and possibly engaging the military to open-fire upon American citizens for disobedience to the oligarchy

19/ has released and conspires to release terrorist combatants from GITMO onto American soil threatening the security of all American citizens

20/has sent $900 million dollars to Hamas, one of America’s enemies, which today announced its plans to build a state-of-the-art military college to educate the next generation to train for the destruction of Israel through terror

21/ has forfeited sweeping unconstitutional powers wherein U.S. sovereignty, including all of the U.S. regulatory bodies and all U.S. companies are put under international regulation of the IMF.

22/ Many more unconstitutional actions likely have already been committed and are certain to follow within the remaining 3 years and 9 months of the current administration’s unconstitutional criminal enterprise

Americans have been sleep-walking into a nightmare of unintended consequences which this power grab barely begins to expose. The global elitists are the benefactors of this sleight-of-hand while keeping us distracted with the likes of the Apprentice, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Survivor, etc. ad nauseum.

America’s flaw has been trusting emasculated self-serving elected officials who care more for their own self interests and enterprises, their lobbyists’ mandates, and raising money for future re-elections than that of their constituents. It is high time that they earn their keep to represent their constituents through steadfast actions rather than the folderol of false promises, or they will soon be run out of Dodge.

Finally, American citizens owe a debt of gratitude beyond the expression of mere words to Dr. Orly Taitz. She has put her life on hold to free Americans from the perils of the global elitists who elected the current administration and its cabal of thieves for total empowerment through the New World Order. This was accomplished by trashing the US Constitution to elect a candidate likely ineligible to serve as POTUS. Eventually one of Dr. Taitz’ many lawsuits filed against the usurper will be won when the SCOTUS decides to uphold the constitution to hear the case for the sake of the country against those who wish it harm.

My fondest hope is to read about her in history books of the future as the USSR-born American citizen who had the conscience, intellect, wisdom, courage, grace, honor, altruism, and heroism to save America from itself at a time when our country had lost its way. When education is finally returned to the classroom without the shackles of political correctness, she will be forever martyred as America's sole heroine Patriot.

May some form of a New American World Order soon emerge from the refuse of this administration in accordance with the constitutional values upon which this country was originally founded. I look forward to a time when those Americans opposed to such principles will be free to find residence elsewhere in the world.

Only then may the majority of us invest and thrive in a life enriched with joy, prosperity, gratitude, charity and optimism for a future premised on the principles of our founding fathers under the watchful hand and aegis of our Creator. This new design will not be that of the federal government, or of the emasculated self-serving elected officials, or of the Bilderbergs, or of their gang of global financiers, bankers, and elitists patiently awaiting empowerment through domination of a New World Order, plans for which will soon be scrapped for some form of a New American World Order as American citizens decide to take the actions necessary on a state by state basis to save what’s left of their country.

It’s time to work with our state legislators on a state by state basis to save what’s left of our country! One and all are needed to help change America’s current course of cultural Marxism away from the brink of financial collapse and constitutional tyranny by networking with the in-place strategy of the 1776 Take America Back Team at Do it for America, do it for yourself, do it for your children, and do it because it’s time to honor your country and those who have given their lives to ensure its freedom, not its enslavement to a New World Order premised on Marxist principles of pessimism, despair and oligarchy. Tune in Saturday 4-4-09 at 6:00 PM EST

We have but five options available through which to Take America Back to its lawful foundation. Regardless of your option of preference, it will take 'teamwork' to make it work. So please 'teamup' by signing into the communications system on the www.tyranttamer web site. There is no cost nor anything to join. The only requirement is a desire to know what meaningful action is going on so you can make an informed decision on what to support.