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Deadline Doom

Jim Babka

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Quote of the Day: "...the burden of government is not measured by how much it taxes, but by how much it spends." -- Milton Friedman

Subject: Budget vote due within 48 hours -- TAKE ACTION!

The new budget contains trillions in new spending programs, trillions in debt, and a trillion dollars in tax increases. Speak now against this massive outrage or hold your peace.

It will do no good to complain to your friends, or the local radio talk show host, or shout at your TV. Tell it to your elected representatives! That can do a little good. Nothing else can.

If you haven't sent Congress a message opposing the budget, do so now, using our "cut spending" campaign.

Use your personal comments to object to all the new spending programs and the big deficits.

If you have sent such a message, do so again, this time using our "cut taxes" campaign.

Use your personal comments to oppose the trillion dollars in new taxes that are included in the budget.

If you've used our quick and easy Educate the Powerful System before, the best way to send your message given our current technical difficulties, is to log-in using the log-in button at the top of our home page.

Then, click on one of these links, depending on which campaign you want to use . . .

* Cut spending campaign

* Cut taxes campaign

If you're going to be sending your first message to Congress, just click on the campaign you want above, fill out the simple registration form for first time users, and send your message.

Please also call your Rep and your two Senators to issue them the same instructions by phone. It only take a few minutes, it packs more punch, and you'll feel good after you've done it.

If you're registered at Digg, please click the thumbs-up buttons in the comments section of our Digg item for these calls so we can know how many calls were made. Click here to go directly to the Digg entry for this Dispatch.

If you're not registered at Digg, please do so. It only takes a couple of minutes. Digg is a powerful tool we should all be using to promote Downsize DC action items. You can register here (don't forget to write down your log-in information).

According to our Digg tracker 12 Downsizers called Congress to oppose the budget on Tuesday. That's not much, but we're just getting started with this approach and so few DC Downsizers are registered to use Digg. You start small or not at all. Let's beat that number today!

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

D o w n s i z e r - D i s p a t c h

is the official email list of, Inc. & Downsize DC Foundation

Normally published 3 - 6 times per week.

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