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The Real Reason Missouri Reversed Its Decision

Jim Strode

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----- Original Message ----
-From: Jim Strode
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 9:56 AM
Subject: the real reason Missouri reversed its decision
I lived in Mo for 8 years, being a defender of the Militia, I took time to look up Missouri's LAWS on the Militia, notice, I said LAWS.

When this report came out about the modern day Militia, Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Bar with all the other junk in it, I wasn't surprised, I went through this same thing here in NM back in the 90's.

I watched RLCMO and others come up with all these ideas, such as petitions and other ideas.

I told Rob Hillman to use the State Statutes about the Militias, he ask me to send them to him, now I keep all my sent mails ,so I can prove it.

I sent them to him,, then he broke the Population down and showed just what the persentage of Missourians are in the Militia by LAW.

What this boils down to is, No one in RLCMO or any one else that I know of bothered to look up the State Constitution or Statutes about the Militia.

I would say, Jim Guest, nor any legislator ,the Gov. or his LT. Gov. the State police Chief, never bothered at any time to read just what the Militia was or is.

The Militias of Missouri is part of the State Government, and when they found out, they were in and part of that Militia, they had no Choice but to reverse their report. I imagine they were shocked also.

The Militia is part of every States Military defense.

Now for RLCMO, like I said before, I have been getting and sending mail with this group for a long time as a member, last week I was notified by yahoo that I was not a member, well I re subscribed and was told the Moderator denied my request. ???????

Now you might understand why I have devoted 15 years of my life to restoring the good name of the Militia, it is not that the Militias has a bad name over some thing they did, it's because Elected officials, Cops, and our Military, that is Federal and States are totally ignorant where their Constitutions and Statutes are concerned. You have no idea how many cops I have asked over the years,( how do you like being in the Militia) and just got a blank stare, or they say, I'm not in the Militia.

It is the LAW, your duty, and mandatory for you to serve in your State Militia, and if the Feds. or any local cop or Sheriff tries to arrest you using the Militia as an excuse, they become the Criminals., they can not dis-arm you because that takes away your responcialibity to the States defense as part of the Militia. I am sure that is why we have open carry in most States. As far as I am concerned, this youth Corps, and a Civilian Defense force, is a direct violation of the Federal and States constitutions and a threat to the militias of the States, and Congress and the Senate committed TREASON by passing this Garbage.

The Militias are this Nations Defense forces ,by LAW.

But here we are, the same old thing, it takes men and women, Citizens, Americans, to make sure these laws stay in place, it falls on The States to make sure that the Militias are never dis-armed. Like one man said, for get the Federal Government, it is to far gone. the States are the Answer, Notify every county in your State, it needs a Militia, crawl out from under that rock, join ACMN in your State, be a real American and do your part in defending America from this evil that has consumed it. Use the Law, follow the Law. and thank God for all he has given us.

Jim Strode

Commander of ACMN

Missouri is waking up, one State at a time, never let them forget, The Militias is alive and well.

Clinton and Reno were liares.

Here in Washington's own manuscript, we see these three reasons for the militia: to repel (1) rebellion, (2) invasion, and (3) tyranny. This adds to the proof that the purpose of the militia of the Second Amendment is for the people to guard against tyranny in government. Without a shadow of a doubt, the Second Amendment came into existence so that the people could protect themselves against despotic acts and tyranny brought on by public officials!"

"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy

Constitutional Homeland Security: A Call for Americans to Revitalize the Militia of the Several States.

New Mexico Militia

Real home Security