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The Two Prohibitions

Jim Babka

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Quote of the Day: "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

Subject: Prohibiting guns and drugs

There's a civil war going on in Mexico. It's the drug cartels, funded by obscene black market profits, versus the government, funded by obscene taxes.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Mexico this week. She's from the U.S. Federal Government and she was there to help. She promised . . .

* More taxpayer money to fight Mexico's war on drugs

* Gun control laws here in the U.S.A. . . .

. . .to stop the flow of guns to the Mexican drug cartels.

Ms. Clinton seems to think that gun prohibition is the way to enforce drug prohibition. She's right about one thing. Drug prohibition and gun prohibition are the same issue.

Now, you might think drugs are bad. You might believe them to be so harmful you'd never use them. But you probably expect the politicians to keep their hands off your firearms.


On the other hand, you may think guns are evil. You might believe they're so dangerous, you'd never own one. But you think you have every right to choose what substances you take into to your own body. 

Both positions are correct. Guns and drugs are both dangerous to people who don't use them prudently. But prohibition laws mean that no one is allowed to use them prudently. And the one form of prohibition ends up being used as a justification for the other, as Ms. Clinton made clear in Mexico this week.

We think it's time to put the special pleading aside. Drug prohibition and gun control aren't two separate issues, they are the same issue, and should be governed by the same principle. The only thing that should be prohibited is government prohibition in all its forms. 

We don't need to renew the Assault Weapons Ban, or give money to Mexico to fight the war on drugs. 

What we need is less government coercion, not more. 

Downsize DC! That's the winning formula here. 

Our government should end drug prohibition. That will defund the Mexican cartels (and the terrorists too), then they won't be able to buy the guns. It would also reduce violent crime here at home and remove much of the supposed justification for gun prohibition. 

If you see the wisdom in this please our free Educate the Powerful System to ask Congress to end prohibition. 

Then, please help spread the word. Digg this message on our blog.

Thank you for being part of the growing Downsize DC Army, which has grown in two months time from 24,095 to 24,649.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.  

PS: We're currently working to fix some technical difficulties on our website. In the meantime, if you trouble, try this . . .

* Log-in using the log-in button near the upper right hand corner of our home page

* Then go to our Help End the Mexican Civil War campaign to send your message to Congress

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