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America's War on Americans

Edgar J. Steele

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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2009 4:07 PM
Subject: America's War on Americans 

Edgar J. Steele's Nickel Rant Internet radio show returns this week with a provocative edition entitled "We're All Terrorists Now."  We will examine the most recent assault upon personal rights and liberties, this time by the federal government and the State of Missouri, who now claim that:
  • You are a terrorist if you defend the US Constitution.
  • You are a terrorist if you oppose gun confiscation.
  • You are a terrorist if you oppose illegal immigration.
  • Flying an American flag can make you a terrorist.
  • Oppose abortion?  You're a terrorist.
  • Support Ron Paul?  You're a terrorist.
  • Vote for Constitution or Libertarian Party candidates?  Yep, you're a terrorist.
Listen in and find out how America's War on Terror has morphed into a War on Americans.
Please tune in Wednesday night, March 25 (9 pm ET and 6 pm PT), for the next edition of "Edgar Steele's Nickel Rant," a one-hour Internet Radio show broadcast on The Voice of Reason (VOR) network:

  Visit  and click on one of the links in the upper-righthand corner to listen.
