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Nearly 100 Tibetan Monks Arrested As Riots Break Out

Malcolm Moore in Chengdu

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March 22, 2009

The attack is the latest sign of anger in Tibet over a heavy-handed Chinese clampdown on the region during the 50th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's flight into exile.

The riot came after Chinese police detained Tibetan monk Tashi Sangpo, 25, on Friday in La'gyab township in the western province of Qinghai.

Tibetan monks - Nearly 100 Tibetan monks arrested as riots break out
Almost 100 Tibetan monks have been detained during a riot Photo: REUTERS

He was arrested for replacing the Chinese flag with a Tibetan one in the main prayer hall of his monastery on March 10, the anniversary of the uprising that led to the Dalai Lama's flight.

Trouble flared after he later disappeared from his cell and was rumoured to have plunged into a river, prompting accusations from locals that his death had been caused by the police.

The Chinese authorities have insisted that the monk escaped from captivity and the police played no part in his death. They said six people had been arrested and 89 more had surrendered to police, with all but two of the 95 people being monks from the La'gyab Monastery.

"He managed to run away from the police station Saturday afternoon on the excuse of using the bathroom," said Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency, adding that a crowd of monks then attacked the police station. "Police said the people were deceived by rumours."

The Tibetan government-in-exile, based in Dharamsala in India, reported that 4,000 people were involved in the clashes, while police claimed the number was nearer 100.

A statement from the Tibetan government-in-exile said: "After the incident, the security forces have maintained strict patrol and completely locked down the monastery."

The monk's body has not yet been found, and the situation in the region continues to be "very tense" according to the Tibetans.

China has poured troops into Tibet and its surrounding provinces in order to maintain control and snuff out any dissent over this sensitive period. .

All foreigners have been denied entry into Greater Tibet, which includes parts of the surrounding provinces of Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai.

Roadblocks have been set up on roads leading out of Chengdu, in Sichuan, and police with machine guns have been posted at motorway toll booths.

Farmers in Karze, a Tibetan area of Sichuan, have launched a "farming boycott" in order to protest against the Chinese and more than 60 have been arrested, according to pro-Tibet activists in Dharamsala.

Meanwhile, an enormous manhunt was under way in the central Chinese city of Chongqing after a soldier was killed and his machine gun stolen.

The 18-year-old sentry, named as Han Junliang, was on duty outside an army barracks when he was shot by an unknown number of masked men.

A spokesman for Chongqing's local government said it was an "act of terrorism" but declined to give any further details.

Given Chongqing's relative proximity to Greater Tibet, there was speculation that the attack might have been linked to the region. Attacks on Chinese soldiers are extremely rare.