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Scenes from the "March on the Pentagon" Rally

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Here are few scenes from the "March on the Pentagon" rally held on Saturday, March 21, 2009, in Washington, D.C. After listening to some speakers, the huge, and colorful, demonstration moved from its base camp just south of the Lincoln Memorial, across the Memorial Bridge, which spans the Potomac River, into Northern Virginia. On the Virginia side, it crossed east towards the Pentagon and then beyond it to other sites, housing the "Merchants of War-Making." They have been raking in billions of dollars in profits off U.S. wars and occupations. See, Nick Turse's "The Complex: How the Military Invades our Everyday Lives." For background on the very spirited Pentagon-related protest, and on any updates on it, check out: This video covers the demonstration only up and until it crossed on to the Memorial Bridge.