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On the Subject of Free Speech and Constitution

Amicus Curiae

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I was reading my Natural news email and the link below shows the story i found.

It truly amazes me Nothing was done to assist the assault victim, yet the boy who tried to help, ended up in police trouble!

So this entirely supports the story elsewhere here on America becoming a police state.

This young lad sees it happening to him, now, and realises all is not as it should be. He and others i do hope will be politically active in future..if? they have one?14 Year Old Student Arrested by Police for Citing Free Speech Provisions of Bill of Rights (video) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Author's Bio: An Aussie who is disgusted at chem farming,gm and synth foods and big pharma. I study soil biota, and work with bees,what i see is worrying.