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Off With Their Heads!!” Tax Revolt in California Sparks Revolution

Joe Mael

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SMTL - Joseph Mael | The recall groups are gaining steam in California as protesters rallied in Fullerton, Ca on March 7th 2009.  The makeshift revolt, was a grassroots effort by L.A. talk radio hosts John and Ken ( and boasted numbers that, while varied by different accounts, was estimated to be between 10 to 15,000 people (some say more), many of whom raised banners, marched, chanted and eventually participated in a number of crowd pleasing events that punctuated the anger and disagreement to raise the California state taxes in new legislation later this year.  California already boasts the highest taxes of any state in America, and the fingers are pointing directly at governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s broken promise to never raise taxes while in office.


Schwarzenegger won't be back.

Proposition 1A is the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act intended to build the most expensive rail train in history, a project estimated to cost $90 billion, $20 billion of which would be paid in the form of tax revenue from Californians.  This boondoggle prop has, publicly, been denied by Schwarzenegger to include taxes to the people of California, but opponents (and listeners of The John and Ken Show) have been enlightened to the fact this will extend recently raised taxes another two years.  Angered opponents of 1A have also noted that taxpayers already spent $60 million on the rail project yet to lay down a foot of rail.  The lack of accountability and “open taxpayer checkbook” of this proposition is quickly raising the blood pressure of California citizens ready to erupt during this time of economic uncertainty.

At the rally, demands for the recall of the governor, Anthony Adams, Abel Maldonado, Jim Silva, and Assemblyman Jeff Miller (among others) were loud and the event made local television reports on various stations, including Fox News.