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An Old Vet Keeps the Oath

Robert Muchnick

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-From: F
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 4:15 AM
Subject: God Bless the old-timers of the military who have not forgotten who and what they serve - the American people and the Constitution of the United States!
God bless the old-timers who have never forgotten who and what they swore to protect and that they do not serve the president, but the people and the constitution!

Subject: An old vet keeps the Oath/



An old vet keeps the Oathby Robert Muchnick

USN vet

FINALLY, Americans taking a stand for what is right. I have been looking for you for years.

I am a Vietnam era U.S. Navy veteran, long since discharged from service. Unlike many of the distinguished folks who've posted their testimonials here, my service was less than remarkable, but I did serve, during a time of undeclared war, and volunteered to boot.

When you're eighteen, you maybe believe the "fighting for freedom" and "keeping the world safe for democracy [sic]" stuff because you don't know any better. In the decades since my oath of service, I learned the difference -- painfully -- between "government" and the Constitution; they aren't the same, and are often antithetical to each other. Back in the days of 'Nam, we were ostensibly fighting against a Fascist/Communist tyranny. Now it looks as if we've become one.

I took the oath to defend the Constitution of the United St ates against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I never renounced it and it didn't have an expiration date. It also said nothing about the President, the Congress or the Supreme Court. It said the Constitution because it is that greatest of political documents which enshrines the freedom that was America.

The right of defense of oneself, one's family and way of life is a right inherent in all creatures and flows from Nature herself. It is not a right emanating from a benign "government" which can be bestowed or withdrawn by it on a whim. The right of defense exists prior even to the Constitution itself. The same can be said of liberty because liberty without the right of defense is an illusion. The Founding Fathers knew that government can grow to be the enemy of the people's freedom and so put in place measures for "the security of a free State."

There is conflict brewing on the near horizon for this country, of that there can be no doubt. I may be slower and not as strong as I was four decades ago, but I will stand with anyone here to defend freedom and our Constitution for the people of this nation, by whatever means are necessary. The citizen soldier built this nation and the loyal members of the armed and police forces defended it, and we the people will now save it from destruction.

Gun confiscation in America? In the words of General Anthony Clement McAuliffe, "NUTS!"

Molon Labe!

Robert Muchnick

USN vet

Posted by Stewart Rhodes at 4:50 PM 12 comments Links to this post

Labels: "NUTS", 101st Airborne, General Anthony Clement McAuliffe, Navy Veteran, orders we will not obey. oath keepers, Second Amendment, Vietnam vet, will not disarm the people, Μολὼν λάβε

Current Serving Special Forces Soldier Warns: "Gun confiscation being set up inside the military"

To Free The Oppressed

It's about time that something like this has formed. I'm an E7 in the Army National Guard (Colorado, B co. 5/19th SFG) I'm an 18C and I'm getting the hell out of the Army. I've had enough. I ETS in October and I'm picking up my family and we're moving to New Hampshire to join other defenders of the Republic in a place that is still one of the freest places in the nation. (I'm a member of the Free State Project.)

I'm currently serving on OWT status at Ft. Bliss, TX. I wanted to share what is going on here.

Bliss is mandating that all soldiers who own POWs (privately owned weapons) cannot store their firearms on post housing. They must be turned into the arms room. All soldiers must register any weapons they own with the provost marshall regardless of whether or not they live on post. Further, the post commander has mandated that if soldiers do not comply, they will face courts martial.

The counseling statement I recieved on this new policy stated that privately owned firearms are a serious threat to the safety of the community .. I kid you not.

Here it is: they're now figuring out who in the military is a firearms owner as a pretext to disarming these soldiers first before going after everyone else's guns.

I'm completely on board with your statements of intent, but I will uphold these edicts from outside the military. I'm not going to be ordered at gunpoint to participate in the fascist takeover of this country.

BTW; I discovered your site via Alex Jones. You have permission to use this email in your efforts to get the word out and let me know how I can assist.


SFC Gerald Montgomery

Note from Oath Keepers:

SFC Montgomery is a credit to SF. By stepping up, he is truly living up to the Special Forces motto, "De Oppresso Liber" meaning "To Free The Oppressed.' While most active duty military are understandably reluctant to speak out publicly, and it may be better if they don't for many reasons, there is still great value in some taking a public stand like this - especially "short timers" who will be out soon anyway. God bless SFC Montgomery and men like him. You can count on hearing more from him in the future.

His report on the anti-gun purge at Ft. Bliss is chilling, especially this part:

All soldiers must register any weapons they own with the provost marshall regardless of whether or not they live on post.

Even under the warped logic that on-post weapons are "safer" if stored in the armory, what does that have to d o with privately held weapons, kept in private homes off-post? Why must those be registered? We suspect that SFC Montgomery's summation of the purpose of this policy is correct. Registration is historically the precursor to confiscation.