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Free Speech Emergency Petition Delivery

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From: The Media Research Center
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7:06 PM
Subject: Free Speech Emergency Petition Delivery
From the Desk of:

David Martin, Executive Vice President


MARCH 11, 2009

The Senate just passed the Durbin Amendment—the “Durbin Censorship Doctrine” which actually poses a far greater threat to our free speech rights than even the “Fairness” Doctrine because it creates a dangerous new power the FCC can use to silence talk radio.

In light of this new threat to free speech, the Media Research Center is rallying our team for an emergency petition delivery next week!

After the Senate passed the Broadcaster Freedom Act by a vote of 87-11, the liberal media rushed to declare the Fairness Doctrine dead.

What they didn’t report in the passing of the “Durbin Censorship Doctrine” was that it reinforces in law already existing FCC regulatory powers to silence conservative speech by creating a treacherous new way for the government censors to do so!

Instead, the liberal media would have you believe that the Fairness Doctrine is dead—that the threat against conservative talk has been ended once and for all.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

MRC founder Brent Bozell just addressed members of our Free Speech Alliance and spoke exclusively about this dangerous new threat to our Free Speech Rights. To listen, click here.

++ A Stealth Attack on Your Free Speech Rights!

Patrick H., the ”Durbin Censorship Doctrine” requires Obama’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC)  to “take actions to encourage and promote diversity in communication media ownership.”

Upon closer look, this “stealth” attack on Free Speech Rights is far more insidious because it empowers the government to censor and control the airwaves in an insidious new way.

In other words, the ”Durbin Censorship Doctrine” poses a much greater danger to our free speech rights because it expands the FCC censorship threat in ways we never before imagined!

++ Your Efforts More Important Than Ever

Given what just took place on Capitol Hill, there is little doubt in my mind that we are headed for a showdown over our Free Speech Rights.

Over the next five days, I am urging EVERY member of our MRC Action Team to take fast action—first by signing our Free Speech Alliance petition, and then by alerting friends and family to the real truth about our Free Speech Rights coming under assault.

Patrick H., my staff informs me that you haven’t yet signed our petition to protect free speech in America. Please add your name right now by clicking here so that I can include you in this important upcoming petition delivery.

Again, after signing, forward this message to your conservative friends and family urging them to join with you in defending this God-given right by clicking here.

The fact remains that even without the “Durbin Censorship Doctrine,” Obama’s FCC maintains the power to muzzle conservative opposition; we anticipate they will waste little time in making this a reality. That’s why it’s imperative that we take fast action to get the truth out and mobilize grassroots Americans.

Patrick H., we cannot allow this backdoor assault to go unchallenged!

That’s why I am counting on you to help me rally an additional 20,000 citizen signers of our Free Speech Alliance petition over these next few days leading to our delivery!

As always, thank you for standing with the MRC.

David Martin

P.S: Forward this message to 30-35 friends today. Urge them to join with you by clicking here.

+ + Help the MRC maintain it’s frontline position in the battle to preserve Free Speech Rights by making a tax-deductible gift today.