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Eight GOP Porkers Responsible for Spending Bill

Steve Elliott

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 ----- Original Message -----
From: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 7:30 PM
Subject: Eight GOP Porkers Responsible for Spending Bill
From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

     ++ Important Action Items Below

The massive, pork-laden $410 billion omnibus appropriations bill would not have been possible if not for the reprehensible actions of eight RINO (Republican In Name Only) Senators who broke from their party and voted for the bill!

Even worse is that these eight "porkers" are among the worst offenders, and personally responsible for $1.7 billion in unnecessary "pet projects."

Click here to see who these GOP "pot-bellies" are, and what each spent on pork projects:

++ No Shame. No Guilt. Just More Pork

At a time when so many Americans are being forced to "tighten their belts," it's wrong that our elected servants are "fattening" up on pork!

That's why we are asking all members of our team to fax each of these

eight "porkers" personal messages of outrage.

Let each know that you are holding them accountable and that there most definitely will be a political price to pay-not only for supporting such a grotesquely bloated spending bill, but for slapping the face of every American taxpayer by their irresponsible actions.

Click here to schedule your personalized faxes:

If you would prefer to send the faxes yourself, we have provided all the information you need (including fax numbers)  at this specialFaxFire site.

After scheduling your faxes to each of the 8 RINOs, I'm asking that you also call their offices and express your outrage.

Here is the contact information you will need:

Thad Cochran 202/224-5054

Roger Wicker 202/224-6253

Chris Bond    202/224-5721

Richard Shelby 202/224-5744

Arlen Specter 202/224-4254

Lisa Murkowski 202/224-6665

Lamar Alexander 202/224-4944

Olympia Snowe 202/224-5344

Let each of these senators know that you are holding them responsible for the $1.7 billion in earmarks they authored and supported. Let them know that you will remember their role in passage of this historic spending bill when it comes to their re-election.

Finally, after scheduling your faxes, forward this important message on to your friends-many of whom may not fully understand the level of irresponsibility associated with the Omnibus Spending, or the 8,500 pork-laden earmarks that were stuffed into the bill.

Encourage them to click here to see the list of the 8 pot-bellied porkers and take action with you:

Thank you for standing with Grassfire and against those who obviously have no concern for the American people they supposedly represent.

Steve Elliott, President

P.S. Again, after scheduling your faxes and making your calls forward this message to your friends urging them to take action with you by clicking here:

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