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Our Mountains Are Under Siege -

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From: S Eagle
Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 10:18 PM
Subject: Our Mountains Are Under Siege *(Please read and sign to O.)

On Wed, 3/4/09, Ashley Judd, Sierra Club < @sierraclub. org> wrote:

From: Ashley Judd, Sierra Club < @sierraclub. org>

Subject: Our Mountains Are Under Siege

To: joyousjoysabode@

Date: Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 2:45 PM

My home is being destroyed.

Administration to ban Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining. Join the Fight Against MTR!


Click here to watch our rally video and take action.  

~Ashley Judd

I grew up in Kentucky, and like everyone from Appalachia, just seeing our beautiful mountains and valleys tells me I am home. Our mountains are our heritage and our legacy to future generations. But big coal companies are using explosives to literally blow the tops off the mountains, extract the coal and destroy Appalachia.

It's a process called mountaintop removal coal mining, and it has devastated the land and buried more than 1,400 miles of Kentucky streams. Working with The Sierra Club and other organizations, we are fighting to put an end to mountaintop removal, but a recent terrible court decision could open the floodgates on dozens of new mountaintop removal coal mines.

Please ask the Obama Administration to ban mountaintop removal coal mining before it is too late. Click here to get started.

The court decision has cleared the way for almost 100 new permits to bury streams in Kentucky and West Virginia, which would flatten 98 square miles and bury more than 200 miles of streams in coal mining waste.

The bulldozers are standing by, so it is now up to President Obama’s administration to step in and end this catastrophic practice. Won’t you join us by contacting the Obama administration today?

The heartbreaking fact is that mountaintop removal is devastating one of the oldest mountain ranges in the world, a global treasure, home to a diversity of plants and animals that rivals the tropical rain forest. Once these mountains are gone, they are gone forever.

As if the destruction of these irreplaceable mountains wasn't enough, the mining waste and toxic debris left after the blast pours down the mountainside, filling in our valleys, burying our streams and creating mile after mile of barren moonscape.

Can I count on you to help us? It only takes one year for a coal company to destroy a mountain that has existed for close to 300 million years. But, if enough of us take one simple action to help protect our mountains and communities, then I believe we can make a difference and protect this irreplaceable treasure for future generations of Americans.

Click here to contact the Obama Administration and urge them to put an end to mountaintop removal coal mining.

Kentucky’s state motto is "United we stand, divided we fall." This is more true today than ever. I hope you will stand with me to save our mountains and our national heritage.

Thank you,

Ashley Judd

Ashley Judd