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This Sunday, March 8, is International Women's Day--a day that always energizes us and reminds us of the power of women joining together to create a more peaceful, sustainable future. It was on International Women's Day six years ago that we organized our first major CODEPINK march in DC, encircling the White House with vibrant pink to say No to the imminent war in Iraq. Three years later, we officially launched our Women Say No to War campaign, bringing women together around the globe to give the peace movement a powerful female voice.

We should be proud of all we've accomplished, but even though we're full of hope for the future, now is not the time to sit idly back. War is NOT over, and our voices are still desperately needed. While we are pleased that President Obama is working toward withdrawing our troops from Iraq, we are disheartened by his decision to push that withdrawal back to August, 2010 and leave up to 50,000 residual troops in the area until December, 2011. [!!!!!]

Will you write a letter to the editor of your newspaper to take a stand for real peace in Iraq? Click here to send your letter to the editor, it just takes three minutes.

We were heartbroken by this recent NY Times article on the brutal reality of Iraqi war widows; our new administration needs to help rebuild these shattered lives, not further the chaos wrought by Bush. Let your editor know that we are calling on Obama to immediately withdraw all U.S. troops, including residual forces from Iraq. The U.S. government needs to increase efforts in diplomacy, humanitarian aid and refugee resettlement in Iraq, instead. Obama needs to listen to the people of Iraq who want us out their country, and the American people who want our troops and financial resources back home. Please send your letter today and help give voice to the women of Iraq and all people who long for an end to occupation.

Our work continues in Gaza, as well. Our historic 60 person International Women's Day delegation is currently on their way to Gaza, carrying the 2,000+ gift baskets you so generously donated to the women of the beleaguered region. Thank you for honoring our sisters in Palestine, and for asking your senators to encourage Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to dedicate her own trip to Gaza to promoting peace in the region--thanks to you, 33 senators signed on!

A special thank you to all of the CODEPINK local groups who have already organized International Women's Day events in their communities, raising money and awareness for the women of Gaza! Even more are planned for this weekend--from Honolulu to Phoenix to NYC!

Thank you for reminding Obama of his promises and being part of a growing chorus of Women who say No to War,

Audrey, Blaine, Dana, Deidra, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jean, Jodie, Liz, Lori, Medea, Nancy, Paris, and Rae

P.S. Delegation to Gaza Blog Update! As the peace delegation arrives and mobilizes they will be posting their stories here on the PINKTank and here and here and here.


Write a Letter to the Editor about Obama's broken promise on Iraq

Find an International Women's Day event in your area

Check out our beautiful new site Women Say No to War!

You can still donate to the women of Gaza for International Women's Day

Donate today!