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Taking it to Washington

The Orion Project

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This week, thousands of students are descending on Washington to lobby for clean energy and caps on carbon emissions. President Obama's focus on funding renewable energy while curbing global warming is already motivating people to take action across the country.

We want to thank you, our supporters, for doing your part to get the message to Washington as well. In just the first two weeks of our fax campaign, you have sent over 3,500 faxes to your representatives!

We deeply appreciate your support, and ask that you help keep up the momentum by continuing to send faxes and spread the word about the project. In addition to the fax campaign, the Orion Project has also launched a major effort to get our Energy Briefing into the hands of President Obama and his cabinet.

Stay tuned for more updates on our continuing initiatives in Washington. In the meantime, please continue to help us get the word out and donate if you can.