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Washington State Sovereignty Bill HJM4009

Allen D. Glasenapp

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From: Allen D. Glasenapp
To: 'Kristiansen, Rep. Dan'
Cc: 'Shea, Rep. Matt' ; 'Pearson, Rep. Kirk' ;
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: Nice thought in theory but it's not going to make it past committee...

To all,

Since I emailed the “MRStep” site, the owner of the site has posted an update indicating that the Washington state sovereignty bill HJM 4009 is not being heard by the State Government and Tribal Affairs committee and he’s asked viewers of the site to contact Washington state representatives to reconsider hearing the bill.  A respectful thanks is in order for that!  If you’ll note in a couple of threads in this email below, “MRStep” indicates approximately 5000 visits to the site per day.  Excellent from my perspective, that’s 5000 more people that have the opportunity to become more educated in what’s going on in this country and at the same time encourage more people to contact Washington state legislators to persuade the committee chairperson into reconsidering hearing the bill…


Two points to consider here.  First is that the internet is a VERY POWERFUL TOOL and second is that you can make a difference if you chose to take action.

In this movement that is sweeping across America to try and get all of us involved in taking back our rights under the Constitution I’m not trying to endorse any one web site, religious affiliation or any political party.  I’m attempting to unite a common thread among all of usOur right to chose to be individuals and protect our Republic and the freedoms it was founded upon.  I’m also trying to illustrate that you can make a difference and that if enough of us make the effort our voices will be heard.  That was the idea behind “of the people, for the people, by the people” in the first place but we’ve all become so complacent that we’re all standing by and watching as the tentacles of our Federal Government  stretch out further to control almost every aspect of our lives by of the government, for the corporation, by the lobbyist… 

I didn’t chose the MRStep site for any particular reason other than it is attempting to spread the word regarding the number of states moving toward stating sovereignty as a formal recognition that we have a major problem with the Federal Government taking over too much control.  If that were not the case then this movement wouldn’t be happening in such unprecedented fashion.  There are many other web sites springing up all over the internet trying to point out what our Federal Government is doing to us as Washington D.C. politicians continue to blatantly employ their fear tactics and total disregard for the protections that the Constitution was put in place for.  The problem with these sites is that they are so fractionalized that they are not presenting the problem in an organized/high profile fashion. The mainstream media, which should be hammering on the Constitutional infringements and treasonous violations that our Federal politicians are engaging in daily right now, is controlled by the same corruption that has captured our Federal leaders so we’re not getting the straight story there.  If you think this “bail out” tactic, that is stuffed full of Federal Government earmarks,  is going to save you then I suggest you do some research on how us becoming more in debt is only going to exacerbate the trend in our failing economy over the long haul.

Too bad the “underground” sites aren’t getting the same high profile exposure that the “mainstream” media has.  Perhaps if they all communicated and got organized together the voices being expressed in the blogs and comments on these sites would be filtering through to all of us that need to hear them…United we stand divided we fall…make your voice heard to your local representatives in your respective states to support state sovereignty…they are the last stand for all of us…thank you and if you agree there is a need for putting a “leash” on the Federal Government then please pass this one to everyone you know…Allen

From: Allen D. Glasenapp []

Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 8:38 AM

To: 'MRStep'

Cc: 'Shea, Rep. Matt'; 'Kristiansen, Rep. Dan'; 'Pearson, Rep. Kirk'

Subject: RE: Nice thought in theory but it's not going to make it past committee...


Thanks for your help and I too am doing the same in encouraging as many people as I can to get involved in taking back their control over the Federal Government but alas I fear it may be too late…we’re heading in a very troubling direction in the United States and the corruption at the Federal level may be far past the point of no return…please continue in your efforts as there still is strength in numbers if only the citizenry will forgo their apathy and make the effort to make their voices heard…your response and reporting to the masses is greatly appreciated…knowledge is power but only if the knowledge is put to use…we can encourage our fellow Patriots to become educated but they must take action…please keep up the good fight…Allen

Sincerely yours,

Allen D. Glasenapp,

Associate Broker

Windermere Real Estate/Northwest, Inc.

Mobile:  (425) 218-8002

Office:  (360) 794-3777

Fax:      (360) 794-5731



...hard work gets results

From: MRStep []

Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 7:48 PM

To: 'Allen D. Glasenapp';

Cc: 'Shea, Rep. Matt'; 'Kristiansen, Rep. Dan'; 'Pearson, Rep. Kirk'

Subject: RE: Nice thought in theory but it's not going to make it past committee...

Hello Mr. Glasenapp,

I would like to express gratitude in doing the homework and updating me on the status of the Washington Bill.  This is heart-breaking news, indeed.  I will definitely spread the word the best I can in hopes that enough people will let their representatives know how important this bill is to ALL of our futures.  At a minimum, the 5,000+ daily visitors to the Sovereignty page at my website [1] will definitely be updated and will be urging visitors to contact the relevant people.

Our journey to create a true United States body will be hard-pressed and dragging without sweeping support and interest.  Thank you again, good sir, for your help in the path to “smaller government and more freedom.”

Best Regards,

