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Ending the Fed in One Easy Lesson

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From: WB
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:59 AM
Subject: FW: Ending the Fed in one easy lesson

Hi R: Here's my note to S V containing the rocket science required

to collapse the Fed.

Hello SV: For well over 2 years, I have advocated a 'general run on the banks' to collapse the Fed and the entire Fiat System.
We The People have the power to end this gigantic Criminal Enterprise in just a few days. Why wait for anyone else to do the job we should be doing?
IMHO, demonstrations and Petitions are a total waste of time and resources. The Fiat System is now at its most vulnerable, the time to strike is NOW, and it doesn't cost anyone anymore than a  trip to their bank and withdrawal of all funds. Perhaps this suggestion is too simple...but the results would be guaranteed!
Kind Regards, WB, Sui Juris and ex-Banker.
PS...I'm including the URL to your website as I cc this to others: