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Homes of Minnesota Politicians Vandalized for Supporting the Fraudulent Banker Bailout (with videos)

D.H. Williams

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(Oct. 23, 2008)

Six Minnesota politicians who each supported the fraudulent banker bailout, robbing the U.S. taxpayers of $5 trillion dollars got a wake up call Wednesday morning when they awoke to find spray painted warnings on the side of their homes and garages.

Unknown person(s) spray painted: Scum, Criminal, Traitor, Fraud,  U R A Sellout, Psalms 2 and Resign on garage doors and the homes of Democrats and Republicans who supported the unpopular Wall Street Bailout sometime in the early morning hours of October 22nd.

In a bizarre twist of priorities the destruction of the U. S. economy and theft of trillions of dollars from generations of Americans is somehow insignificant compared to some minor vandalism on the homes of the gods.

The incident is being called disturbing, threatening, hateful, and terrorism. Local, state and federal law enforcement has been called upon to investigate. Too bad the people can’t get this level of response when Congress commits serious crimes against The Constitution.

Reporting for ABC Eyewitness News 5 Tim Sherno says “It’s that refrence to Psalms 2 that elevates this vandalism from graffiti to a series threat.” Sherno interviews Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) who said “I thinks it’s clearly a terroristic threat.”

Politicians spew righteous indignation

Calling the perpetrator a deranged vandal. Rep. Jim Ramstad (R-MN) says, “There is no question this graffiti goes beyond simple vandalism. I think law enforcement is looking at it as actual threats.”

Ramstad who is so disturbed and angered by the minor incident is personally offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspects behind the vandalism.

Other politicians to receive the warning:

Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN)

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

Rep. John Kline (R-MN)

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) voted NO to cover her butt at home. However she supported the bill telling Bob Anderson, an independent candidate running for Bachmann’s seat, that she was “sure” that the $700 Billion bailout bill was going to pass the House due to the sweetners added to the bill by the Senate on the night of Wed. Oct. 1st.

Representatives continually attack the well being of American citizens with grotesque legislation bankrupting our nation and destroying civil liberties. Yet some how they still have the audacity to cry foul when they are subjected to some minor vandalism that can be covered up with a few dollars of paint.

Video: ABC Eyewitness News 5 report on politicians homes vandalized

Video: PSA to the American People about the banker bailout


