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Campaign To Cancel the Washington National Debt By 12/22/2013

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Join the Campaign to Cancel the Washington National Debt

We must work to pass “The Washington National Debt Constitutional Amendment” and repudiate much of the Washington government debt before it bankrupts every private American citizen. We fear the massive increase in the level of indebtedness due to the meltdown and depression will first bring down the Treasury market followed by the US dollar and this will destroy the American economy for years to come.

The American people need to meet the problem on terms which will make the best of a difficult situation for the nation and our personal financial security instead of allowing foreign creditors, our financial establishment and Washington to buy more time for them through the confiscation of our private wealth, financial security and liberty. We believe only a grassroots effort by the American people through a constitutional amendment has any hope of success because the alternative is to expect those who are destroying our economy and nation by the debt to solve the problem they created without sacrificing us in the process.

On 12/22/1913 the Federal Reserve Act was hurriedly passed and signed into law with limited debate by a Congress controlled by Washington and banking special interests. These undemocratic tactics were designed then just as today to thwart the will and overwhelming opposition of the American people to expensive Bush & Obama handouts for their banking and Wall Street supporters. Now, Washington’s illegitimate national debt is growing exponentially due to the bailouts as Congress tries to jumpstart a depression threatened economy but the added debt load will soon bankrupt our nation and impoverish every productive, working American.

We believe the Federal Reserve together with the above financial elites covertly manufactured the credit and real estate bubble to enhance continued foreign investment in their Treasury debt Ponzi scheme while generating obscene profits for Wall Street at the expense of the American people. This scam by our financial establishment makes Bernard Madoff’s despicable actions look like Mother Teresa’s charity operation in comparison.

An unintentional consequence of these actions was the meltdown in markets, the credit crisis and spreading global depression when the bubble finally burst. Now there is a cover-up of the cause and coming global run, crash and probable collapse of US Treasury obligations because of the dramatic increase in Washington’s national debt to unsustainable levels now approaching $65 trillion dollars. To stop the economic tidal wave that will destroy the financial security and wealth of every American along with their savings, real estate, retirement plans, investments and their promised Social Security and Medicare benefits we have established “The Washington National Debt Constitutional Amendment Campaign” to cancel much of Washington’s debt before it is too late.

The Campaign will bypass a corrupt Congress and the leadership of both political parties often controlled by special interests at the national level and seek a debt solution through the constitutional amendment process starting at the state level which will repudiate any Treasury debt issued or rolled over after the deadline of 12/22/2013, exactly 100 years after the establishment of the Federal Reserve System.

This future date to repudiate the Illegitimate national debt of Washington politicians and special interests will allow existing treasury debt obligation owners and investors time to dispose of the unlawful debt created only to profit special financial and corporate interests who own and control majorities in the House and Senate, much of the party leadership positions and the Federal Reserve System. We hereby resolve that most of the national debt is not a legitimate debt of the American people nor the future generations who would otherwise find their prosperity and financial security sacrificed for the profit of a few corrupt global financial elites and the politicians they own and control.

We will not waste our time or effort in another futile attempt to lobby Congress, the Courts, the President or the national party leadership of either party as most have shown their willingness to sacrifice sacred principles, integrity and our future in the recent bailouts which together with their earlier trillions in debt will destroy prosperity and liberty for future generations of Americans.

The proposed constitutional amendment will first call upon the state legislatures to ratify, an amendment repealing Section 4 of the 14th Amendment which outlawed even questioning the validity of the national debt; “The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law….shall not be questioned”, followed by language to further prohibit future indebtedness and deficit spending by the federal government and repudiate all federal government debt (except for obligations for Social Security Trust Funds) and debt and interest service obligations accrued after the 12/22/2013 deadline regardless of when the amendment is ratified by 2/3 of the states.

Thankfully, our Patriot Founding Fathers provided Article Five of the United States Constitution for a future time of congressional, judicial and presidential tyranny as we have seen for the last 8 years which provides for an option to assemble a national Convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitution as an alternative to the process of securing two-thirds approval in both houses of Congress.

Like the bailout actions and national debt increases today, Section 4 of the 14th Amendment was an unconstitutional act forced on the American people in a time of crisis just after the end of Lincoln’s War Between the States much like the questionable creation of the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax were enacted on the American people back in 1913. The amendment was proposed on June 13, 1866 and later ratified on July 9, 1868 at a time when the legitimate voters of all the former Confederate States of America were disenfranchised and not allowed to vote and the states were under military occupation, reconstruction and control of the same special interests who started the war. In addition to making it illegal to question the validity of the public debt of the United States, it also unilaterally prohibited the payment of previous lawful debts incurred by the Confederate States of America or the individual state debts during the war.

Therefore we seek the right by constitutional amendment to lawfully question the validity and legality of a $60 plus trillion Washington national debt forced on productive Americans without their consent by a Congress representing only special interests and not the will or best interests of the nation or the people of these United States. Second we will by constitutional amendment repudiate the unlawful debt service and repayment of principal based on an excessive level of taxation and confiscation of the private wealth, earnings and productivity of this and future generations of Americans accrued after December 22, 2013.

More information will follow but you can contact us now at

Current Resources:

Will the Federal Reserve Have To Purchase Treasury Debt

$65 Trillion in Federal Obligations Exceed World GNP

Article Five of the US Constitution

Section 4 of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution

Tom Knapp's Repudiate the National Debt Petition

Ron Holland is a retired president of an investment firm licensed in 47 states who spent 30 years in retirement planning, banking and financial services working in the US and Switzerland. He is an author, public speaker and is concerned about our nation, economy and defending our liberties for future generations due to the unsustainable debt load forced on our country by Washington.

Contact Info

The Campaign to Cancel the Washington National Debt