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COMING-- Iran War

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From: T.Stokes
Sent: Saturday, February 21, 2009 12:32 AM
Subject: coming Iran war- submissions


Lieutenant Ehren Watada, the decorated soldier who refused to fight illegal wars has become a hero in Britain, with pics of his face on car bumpers and in anti-racism classes in colleges and school rooms.

  Figures vary but up to 3000 men who joined the British armed services to protect the country, have refused to go kill innocent foreigners in illegal racist campaigns and have deserted.

The Nuremberg War Crimes trials, illegally changed the rules so that they could racially harass and prosecute German soldiers, who up until that point could use the defense of saying they were just obeying orders, but the powers that be wanted every single one prosecuted, the Simon Weisenthal Centre is still chasing German soldiers from W W II almost 70 years later.   This hatemongering breaches every aspect of modern humanity.  Revenge is not a reason.

Now we are told U S soldiers must prepare to fight and die in a  coming war with Iran,

fought by proxy for Israel. l

Let,s hope British and U S soldiers will do as hero soldier

 Lieutenant Ehrin Watada did and stay at home.

T Stokes