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Another Great Way to Encourage Sec. Gates to Reconsider Deploying 17,000 Tropps to Afghanistan

CREDO Action

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From: CREDO Action
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2009 11:29 AM
Subject: Thanks for your help -- now get some friends involved, too.

Another great way to encourage Secretary Gates to reconsider deploying 17,000 troops to Afghanistan is to spread the word to your friends and family. You can just forward the sample letter below.

Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message along to those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.

Thanks for all you do.

--The CREDO Action Team

Here's a sample message to send to your friends:

Subject: Tell Secretary Gates: No troop escalation without a strategy.

Dear Friend,

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a hold over from the Bush Administration, has recommended a sharp increase -- 17,000 new troops -- in our military presence in Afghanistan.

While President Obama has been a staunch opponent of the war in Iraq, he has approved Gates' plan to increase our military presence in Afghanistan, which has the potential to become a new quagmire in the Middle East.

On Tuesday, February 17th, President Obama announced that he plans to deploy an additional 17,000 troops to Afghanistan - that's a 50 percent increase. However, the Department of Defense has not yet completed its research on the situation in Afghanistan, nor its long term strategy for the conflict in Afghanistan, including an eventual exit strategy.

I just took action to tell Defense Secretary Gates not to escalate the conflict in Afghanistan until we have a long-term strategy in place, including an exit strategy. I hope you will, too.

Please have a look and take action.
