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The Obama Agenda: What's Next?

Steve Elliott

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From the Desk of:

Steve Elliott, President, Alliance

President Obama will be in Denver today to sign his massively bloated Spending Bill into law… you know, the one that provides $100 million for free school lunches, $2.5 billion for high speed internet, $140 million for volcano monitoring systems--all in the name of economic stimulus!

But wait. Now we have the President downplaying the expectations of the stimulus saying "it is likely to get worse before it gets better."

        Worse then transforming our free market system into a

        state-run, European model? Worse then passing $3 trillion

        in debt on to our children?

++ What's next?

Back in November, Grassfire went out on a limb publishing an outrageous and controversial booklet entitled "Living in an Obama Nation" that predicted the frightening events we are seeing today.

         Quoting from the booklet, we warned citizens that

         President Obama would use the current economic crisis

         to replace the "invisible hand of the free market with

         the heavy fist of the statist government."

         We explained how he would dismiss concerns of

         skyrocketing federal debt in favor of expanding government

         to counter recession.

         With stunning accuracy, it has all happened--and more

         is on the way. Government run healthcare? Amnesty?

         The "Green" energy crisis? Silencing conservatives?

It's all coming Patrick, sooner than later, which is precisely why I need to get "Living in an Obama Nation" into the hands of as many conservative friends as possible over these next several weeks. Click here for more:

++ The Obama Blueprint Exposed!

The speed at which Obama is moving is changing the rules of engagement, and I need to quickly educate and engage as many conservatives to take action as possible.

That's why for a gift of ANY amount, I'll send you 4 copies of our highly controversial booklet that completely exposes Obama's agenda for our nation.

Click here for more:

Whatever your gift--even if you can only give as little as $5, I've instructed my staff to take the loss on postage in order to get these booklets into the hands of grassroots citizens!

         The time is NOW to grow our patriotic Resistance, and

          I'm depending on you Patrick to help make that

          happen over these next several weeks by helping me to

         distribute our booklets.

         Keep one for yourself, and give three copies to conservative

         friends and family--urging them to get involved by signing our

         petition to patriotically resist Obama's sweeping changes by

clicking here:

As we are seeing, Obama is determined to move as quickly as possible to implement his radical agenda on our nation. Our only hope to derail his efforts is to educate and mobilize the masses of conservatives who aren't yet engaged.

Help me get "Living in an Obama Nation" into the hands of as many grassroots conservatives as possible over the next few weeks by clicking here:

Thank you for standing with Grassfire and resisting this mad-dash toward socialism!

Steve Elliott, President

P.S:  I want to remind you to continue checking in with for the latest news and information regarding this issue!

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+ + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

+ + Comments? Questions?