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Robert Duncan O'Finioan: Insider with the Super Warrior

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----- Original Message -----
From: KM
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2009 9:12 PM
Subject: Please post Robert Duncan O'Finioan: Insider with the Super Warrior
Robert Duncan O'Finioan: Insider with the Super Warrior

Robert Duncan O'Finioan was trained by our military and CIA for covert black ops as an assassin and "Super Warrior"

He was part of Project Talent, Phoenix Project and Super Warrior Project.

We will hear first hand about the training and mind control psy-ops and torture inflicted upon Duncan and others like him after being taken from their homes at the tender ages of 6 years old.

Robert Duncan O'Finioan is a former professional kick boxer/karate instructor who has turned his interest to writing. "Innocence Turned Deadly" is his first novel.

For more information about Duncan, please visit:

To hear Duncan in past shows:

Scheduled Time:

Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Time: 08:00 PM EST

How to participate:

Call in:

   1. Dial: (724) 444-7444

   2. Enter: 11887 # (Call ID)

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« Last Edit: February 13, 2009, 06:05:11 PM by truthinaction »