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PLEASE, LIsten to this Short INterview

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From: DP
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: PLEASE, please listen to this short interview.

For God's sake, if you want to know what has happened to America, why our nation is dying, I implore you to listen to this short excerpt of an interview with a Wall Street insider who is not on the take.  This is one of the most important revelations available for the American public.  Please listen carefully.
Do you really think that these scamming Wall Street thieves who own most of our politicians, are pushing for this high security, the Patriot Act, a camera on every corner, eves-dropping on average American citizens, reduced constitutional rights, censorship, planned punishment for truth seekers, and more government controls, truly because of a war on drugs and terrorism?  You really do?  
Then ask yourself, IS IT POSSIBLE that you could be fighting a war on both drugs and terrorism and still leave your borders wide open?  IT IS 100% INCONSISTENT! People, the ADDED security these scamsters want is not to protect America from terrorism, it is to protect the Wall Street criminals and the politicians who work with them from Americans bringing justice to them. 
They have  created an atmosphere of ever-greater controls, but that won't be enough for them, for paranoia from justice is a condition that never stops haunting all criminals to some degree.  They will go for the guns, bring more false-flag operations, create more of fearful atmosphere in their efforts to "increase security" and in the end, that will not be enough.  People, we are being governed by those who have already turned to the Russian mob and KGB to come into this nation and rob the people of this nation of financial freedoms and corrupted our federal agencies.  However, these traitors, instead of facing justice, are going to want more.  Instead of coming clean, they will side with the enemies of our freedom and make us the enemy.  Do you now see why the federal government has already constructed concentration camps throughout this nation?
I beg you to awaken from your slumber America.  Freedom is never free and only comes when you fight for it.