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In Their Own Words: Monica Ramos and Patty Compean

Steve Elljiott, President,

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Steve Elliott, President, Alliance


In just about a month from now Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean's 700 day nightmare will come to an end when they are joyously returned to their families!

For those of us who worked so diligently for their freedom--signing petitions, making phone calls, sending faxes, emails, rallying friends, this is truly an answer to prayer.

Just days after George Bush commuted their sentences, Grassfire caught up with both Monica Ramos and Patty Compean for an exclusive "members only" interview.

Click here to access these two amazing interviews:

These two interviews really captured the essence of these incredibly heroic women whose dogged determination, incredible spirit and unshakeable faith kept hope alive for their children and their husbands!

Please take a few moments to celebrate with them, and then forward this message to your friends and family so they too can be inspired by this incredible love story!

Thanks again for standing with Grassfire throughout the Ramos and Compean saga.


P.S: We will certainly keep you posted on the latest events as their release date (March 20) draws closer!

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