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We Must Have Single Payer National Health Care (H.R. 676) Now

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----- Original Message -----
From: "The Pen" <>
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 6:27 AM
Subject: We Must Have Single Payer National Health Care (H.R. 676) Now
Good News Flash: The 50 billion nuclear/coal subsidies we opposed in the Senate version of the stimulus bill were REMOVED at the last minute in the conference committee, thanks to the surge of your voices speaking out. Once again, activism works when we actually do it.

Now, we return to an issue we have been fighting for, from the very beginning when it was first introduced, H.R. 676, Single Payer Medicare For All. It is time for the American people to have what all other first world nations already have, and we will save massive amounts of money as a country in doing so. Instead of being gouged by greedy medical corporations, with H.R. 676 we will finally pay an affordable, fair market price for our health care.

When the Bush administration used to declare that all options were on the table, it was always an ominous threat that something bad was going to happen. And when a Democratic leader in the House would say that a particular option was off the table, you know THAT was the thing that most needed to be done. So what is Max Baucus doing, Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, now that we have the votes to pass real medical reform, what is he doing saying that it is not on the table?

Please tell Max Baucus, and all your members of Congress, that H.R. 676 is not only on the table, but that no other option is acceptable.

H.R. 676 Now Action Page:

Other activist groups have been strongly mobilizing behind H.R. 676 again this week. Let us add our voices as well, and turn the tide here also.

More On The Local County Prosecutor Lookup To Get Bush And Cheney

There was another story at the top of the news today. Two Republican judges in PA pleaded guilty to taking millions of dollars in bribes for wrongfully sentencing mere children to prison work camps for months for truly trivial offenses. This is just another example of how we have a justice system in American where little people get mercilessly body slammed in the name of zero tolerance rule of law.

But where is the justice for the criminal former residents of the White House? Where is the county prosecutor to take the counsel of Vince Bugliosi, who says that if a resident of their county died in

the wrongful war in Iraq, based entirely on a White House con job, that there is juridiction to prosecute them for murder there. We will find that county prosecutor, we'd like to think more than one. And it

will put the pressure on Congress and the White House to stop fooling around.

On the same return page from the H.R. 676 action page above, you can also find the new local county prosecutor lookup, which we are using to call, write and email local district attorneys, asking them to bring murder charges against George Bush and Dick Cheney as urged by Vince Bugliosi. At the top of all these pages, there is a link to a terrific YouTube video you can watch on this of Bugliosi's House testimony. After watching that video, the words will come to you that you will need to say.

There on that same page you will also find the request form for the new "Convict Dick & W" caps, the ones with a little embroidered cowboy hat hung on the "W", intended to ridicule the original cowboy from Connecticut himself, who always looked about as at home on that fake Crawford ranch as Eva Gabor looked on Green Acres. So if you have not requested yours yet, you can get one from the return page after you submit the statute of limitations extension action page.

Convict Dick & W Caps:

The local prosecutor initiative is an important long term back up action, intended to keep the heat on at the same time for a special prosecutor at the federal level.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We are not asking anyone to file a "formal" criminal complaint yourself. Common sense tells us that a state prosecutor will only act, in the exercise of their OWN discretion, if they believe there is a non-frivolous case to bring. But by speaking out, we can let them know there is community support for them to do so.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this alert as widely as possible.