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Keeping Pressure on ABC News

David Martin - The Media Research Center

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From: The Media Research Center
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 3:34 PM
Subject: Patrick H., Your Exclusive Message From Brent Bozell
From the Desk of:

David Martin, Executive Vice President


FEBRUARY 11, 2009


Brent Bozell just finished recording a personal video message to members of our MRC Action Team who have been so instrumental in keeping the pressure on ABC News.

Please click here to watch and listen to this exclusive update that also includes key action items!

False Allegations and Accusations from ABC News

After patiently waiting to give ABC News an opportunity to responsibly address the substance of the Politico report and the clear violation of journalistic ethics, we finally received a letter from ABC’s Senior Vice President for Editorial Quality, Kerry Smith, who sadly failed to address the journalistic problems that were originally reported in the Politico story.

Instead, she attacked the Media Research Center!

Patrick H., why will they not directly respond to these questions?

If the Politico article is correct, how can George Stephanopoulos be objective when reporting about Democrats or the Obama Administration when he is engaged in daily calls that help shape their strategy? It is preposterous to believe that he will be critical of either!

Brent is urging EVERY member of the Action Team to continue standing with him against ABC News and tell them that Stephanopoulos must recuse himself from reporting on the Obama Administration and Democrats.

Continue to make daily phone calls and send emails by clicking here.

ABC News is no doubt eager for you to lose interest so that they can return to “business as usual.”

Brent and I are urging you to stay strong and committed until this outrageous situation is responsibly handled. We are so grateful for the untold thousands of Action Team members who are taking daily action—calling, emailing and alerting their friends!

Please continue keeping the pressure on high.

After making your calls and sending your daily emails, please alert 20-25 friends—urging them

to take action with you by going here.

Thank you for partnering with us to expose and neutralize liberal media bias.


David Martin