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Welcome to the World Freeman Society (Updated July 2, 2009)

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An Introduction to the World Freeman Society.

Rob Menard here with a short thank you for your interest in my Very Cunning Plan and in finding and providing remedy to the problems so many are starting to see.   From CODEX, the War on  Terror, corporate control of government, inaccessible courts and justice system. The Police are murdering unarmed and peaceful people. There is a growing degradation of human rights, expanding debt and burden, collapsing economy and poisons in our air and water. Many people across the world are seeking remedy to what is arguably a coming police state.

Due to the power of the Internet people from all over the world can communicate concerns and co-ordinate their activities with precise coordination; and although it is true the people of the world are far behind the corporations who seek to control our resources as their own, and even seek to have us viewed as exploitable resources, there is reason for hope and cause for celebration............. Why? Carry on reading.

Robs Very Cunning Plan.

Recognizing that no one can come up with the remedy all on their own, RVCP involves inviting others to create a plan within certain very flexible parameters and with an eye towards a clearly defined goal.  After many years of study and analysis and efforts, I believe I see what is lacking and needed and how to establish and secure those things in a lawful, peaceful and positive manner.  This inclusive and loving plan can change the direction the world is headed and by providing hope and empowerment to individuals curb corporate power and bring immediate government accountability and lasting stability.........

The Plan is very simple and involves the creation of an actual society with the associated  lawful courts and supporting peace officer force.  Using fundamentals of law and existing and established rights, we will create a society called The Freeman Society of Canada,  establish The  Canadian Common Corps of  Peace Officers, and convene new lawful de jure courts which will be accessible to all and not owned and operated by the law society.

The Society will provide members with a nameable group and also all the basic things that existing de facto governments do such as identification cards, international travel documents and consular support, health care access, banking services, education and housing support, functioning and accessible justice system and an accountable and restrained force to keep the peace.  With a goal of claiming and homesteading a valley and therein building a community of families living in unique, environmentally low-impact yet high tech equipped homes this mostly self sustaining community with all the amenities of any modern village we can demonstrate how easy it is to live in peace and abundance.

For the rest of the World, Freeman Societies are being formed and people are getting together. Each country will be able to emulate what we are doing here in Canada, with New Zealand, the UK and Australia already taking part.

We are entering the early phase of this plan, and as it unfolds this site will be updated.

As each country creates its Freeman Society, a new Chapter will be made and links to each Society will be made available. In the next few weeks this site will become larger with more up to date info on our developments. A new Forum will be created here and hosted here so members globally can discuss ideas and share information. A real sense of community with no boundaries. Below are a few services and benefits members of The Freeman Society Canada and The World Freeman Society will enjoy.

Members will eventually enjoy all the following:

  1. Identification Cards – This will be the proof which rests on them.

  2. Notary Public- We will have our own Notary Publics to witness the NUI and COR process.

  3. Education – The Freeman Society of Canada (and their global counterparts) will provide educational and support services on line and through regular meetings.

  4. Laissez Passer – Just like a Passport, except for Freemen who are traveling without intent to engage in commerce in the host country.

  5. Support – A 1 800 number with recording and witness and legal support available 24/7

  6. Banking – Working with experts in the field, we will set up a bank and credit union for the safe and secure storage and use of individual wealth.

  7. Freeman Traveler and PACLIP – This is the Blue Plate Traveler with a system of identification using our own numbers and plates joined with PACLIP “Private Automobile Collision Liability Insurance Program”

  8. Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers [C3PO] – We will be engaging our own Peace Officers drawn from our own members and from existing peace officers. (Each World Freeman Society will create their own if required)

  9. De Jure Courts – We will convene our own courts within which all are equal and charges may be confidently brought against existing courts and their agents and officers and within which the criminal code is enforced against them and disputes between us may be judicially settled.

  10. Freeman Valley – We will be claiming and seizing a valley within which those who desire can join a working and stable community.

This will act as an example for others in all commonwealth countries can emulate.

All of these will be established and created and run by the first 1000 members after they form into groups for those purposes.

Come back soon for some updates on The Freeman Society of Canada and The World Freeman Society.


If you have any questions, please be patient. We are setting up an international forum where all members of all societies can deliberate the subjects that are brought forward.

Robs Very Cunning Plan.pdf




#1 (Reply) 

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eldon Warman" <>
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Re:Welcome to the World Freeman Society

I  warn you that the author is likely a mole used to stear the wayward sheep back into the wolves' corral. I have had several communications with the author over the last several months attempting to show him where he is in error in using the 'freeman' term. My communication attempts have fallen on deaf ears.

The following oath of a freeman shows what a colonial subject of the Crown was required to do to get a job as a Crown officer - in the 1630s Colony of Massachusetts.

The Oath of a FREEMAN:

I, A B, etc., being, by the Almighty's most wise disposition,  become a member of this body, consisting of the Governor, Deputy  Governor, Assistants and a commonalty of the Massachusetts in  New England, do freely and sincerely acknowledge that I am justly  and lawfully subject to the government of the same, and do  accordingly submit my person and estate to be protected, ordered,  and governed by the laws and constitutions thereof, and do  faithfully promise to be from time to time obedient and conformable  thereunto, and to the authority of the said Governor and Assistants  and their successors, and to all such laws, orders, sentences,  and decrees as shall be lawfully made and published by them or  their successors; and I will always endeavor (as in duty I am bound)  to advance the peace and welfare of this body or commonwealth to  my utmost skill and ability; and I will, to my best power and means, seek to divert and prevent whatsoever may tend to the ruin or damage

thereof, or of any the said Governor, Deputy Governor, or Assistants,  or any of them or their successors, and will give speedy notice to  them, or some of them, of any sedition, violence, treachery, or  other hurt or evil which I shall know, hear, or vehemently suspect  to be plotted or intended against the said commonwealth, or the said  government established; and I will not at any time suffer or give  consent to any counsel or attempt that shall be done, given, or  attempted for the impeachment of the said government, or making any  change alteration of the same, contrary to the laws and ordinances  thereof, but shall do my utmost endeavor to discover, oppose, and  hinder all and every such counsel and attempt. So help me God.

The Freeman's Oath Recorded in Colonial Records

'Genealogies of Charlestown, Mass' by WYMAN (supra) explains:  'In the early days of New England a FREEMAN was a man who held the  right of franchise. (In 1776 only one-sixth of the population of  Boston were voters; therefore, five-sixths (90%) of the people had  no participation in local government.)  Unquote

Eldon Warman

2 (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: "BM" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 3:26 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Re: Welcome to the World Freeman Society

 From: \"Eldon Warman\" <>

 To: \"Bellringer\" <>

 Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2009 6:39 PM

 Subject: Re: Re:Welcome to the World Freeman Society


 Eldon Warma's focus on the "Oath of a FREEMAN in the 1630s Colony of Massachusetts" is, frankly, puzzling. As Jack Harper writes in the Fourwinds posting "TO BE A FREEMAN", "freemen have existed on and off for well over a thousand years in England and a long time ago in Germany."  In fact, many people are using Robert Menard's strategies successfully not only in Canada, but in the UK and other jurisdictions. (You can easily verify this for yourself with a search engine, using for example the search terms "Freeman-on-the-Land" and "UK".) Patrick, might I suggest a reprint of the "TO BE A FREEMAN" article you posted previously? Thank you very much!

3.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eldon Warman" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 3:42 PM
Subject: Response: Welcome to the World Freeman Society


Re: Response #2 of the article posted on Fourwinds10 by one "BM".

"Welcome to the World Freeman Society"

From Response #2:

Eldon Warman's focus on the "Oath of a FREEMAN in the 1630s Colony of Massachusetts"  is, frankly, puzzling. As Jack Harper writes in the Fourwinds posting "TO BE A FREEMAN",  "freemen have existed on and off for well over a thousand years in England and a long  time ago in Germany." In fact, many people are using Robert Menard's strategies  successfully not only in Canada, but in the UK and other jurisdictions. (You can  easily verify this for yourself with a search engine, using for example the search  terms "Freeman-on-the-Land" and "UK".) Patrick, might I suggest a reprint of the  "TO BE A FREEMAN" article you posted previously? Thank you very much!  Unquote

If BM should read and analyze that oath, he would see that it is not something that is an act of, nor statement of, a 'free will sovereign man'. It is just  the act of making a common slave into a 'trustee slave' - using the 'fear of God' as the chain and whip that holds the slave to obedience.

BM failed to take notice that I had pointed out in my response to the original post that 'freeman' and 'free man - liber homo' is an issue noted in the original Magna  Carta of 1215 versus the later 'Pope authorized' versions of 1225 and 1297. Of course, one is going to find a version of 'freeman' in any European country of 1,000 years ago  that was directly a sub-corporation under the master corporation of the World, the  Holy Roman Empire of the Pontiff of Rome.

The Pontiff (Bishop of Rome) assumed the Roman Empire title of Pontifex Maximus around  600 AD, and established the secular 'Holy' Roman Empire. The fact that 'freeman' was  existent in European countries 1,000 years ago just points to the fact that certain  people of slave status to the Rome were given 'trustee slave' status by way of oath,  rather than more physical means of the control of slaves.

And, there are many situations where the rules governing slaves are ignored, either under the notwithstanding clause (what is seen best to be good for the ship, or make-believe ship - the body politic) or, as an entrapment scheme to disclose other slaves that may be contemplating rebellion against the slave-owner. The latter certainly seems to have been  the motivation behind another supposed de-tax scheme originating in the vancouver, BC area that had people calling themselves a 'natural person', with that term being an exact equivalent to either 'freeman' or 'citizen' - slaves granted privilege in exchange for obedience to the rules and financial demands (taxes) of the slave-owner under the Roman system.

In my understanding, a slave' is an adult man (male or female) who has the status of property, and subject to the will of that property owner. The slave owns nothing, and is subject to obligatory demands by the slave-owner of anything the slave may possess. The slave gets to use and enjoy only that which the slave-owner chooses to provide to the slave, or allow the slave to keep, as a 'benefit'.

Eldon Warman

4.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: CS
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 4:41 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 You will find the old answer being revisited. Grass roots movement set to hold Common Law Grand Jury.


 cut and paste the Common Law Grand Jury Rules. If you like, you could mention the site but I\'m more interested in getting the message out than publicity.

 Thank you,


5. (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: RM
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:39 PM
Subject: Hi!
I find it funny that the man who wants everyone to believe they are slaves and to accept that status is trying to define a Freeman and is saying I am leading people back into the den of iniquity.

Know what else?  I ask people see themselves as Freemen, not Free will men and he does.  This is my thinking on that.  A Freeman is free and everything that belongs to him is as well.  His will, his mind,his body, his soul.  All his and free.  A freewill man however, only lays claim to a free will, and through that the body, mind and soul can be left unlcaimed and not free.  A man of his own free will can board another's ship and thus be bound under the Captains orders and the man who used his freewill cannot argue he was tricked or fooled or made a mistake.  Whereas a Freeman whose will, and body and soul and mind are free could claim mistake.

If someone asks you to be a Freewill man ask about your mind, body and soul.  Should those not also be free and if so why are they not included?  Do they not know that the inclusion of one creates the exclusion of the other?  Between myself and Warman who asks you to fill out the government forms?  Does he not try to teach people HOW to interact with the government using their forms?  Do I not do the exact opposite?  So who we must ask is the plant if there is one trying to lead people back into the governments grasp and control?  Does he ask you to sign their forms and use their number?

Me thinks the judas goat has revealed themselves by trying to label me as it.


 6.  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eldon Warman" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 2:16 PM
Subject: Response to a post

I just noticed this counter response by 'RM' on the Robert Menard post

of February 10, 2009

where I posted 2 responses. I will put my comments within RM's text:

Eldon Warman

Welcome to the World Freeman Society

5. (Reply)

----- Original Message -----

From: RM

To: <>

Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:39 PM

Subject: Hi!

>I find it funny that the man who wants everyone to believe they are slaves

and to accept that status is trying to define a Freeman and is saying I am

leading people back into the den of iniquity.

Comment: This is a dis-informatiom tactic. I do not teach nor suggest that

people 'are' slaves. I teach that Government sees us 'as being of slave

status', and I certainly don't suggest that anyone accept that status.

My previous responses to this initial post clearly shows that a 'freeman'

was NEVER a 'free man'.

>Know what else?  I ask people see themselves as Freemen, not Free will

men and he does.

Comment: That is the problem, as I see it. Why would RM wish to have people

seeing themselves as a form of slave? Slaves do not possess free will.

>This is my thinking on that.  A Freeman is free and everything that belongs

to him is as well.  His will, his mind, his body, his soul.  All his and free.

Comment: That may be the way RM sees it; however, that is NOT the way

the legal profession sees the meaning of the term 'freeman'. I don't dispute

RM's right to believe what he wishes to believe, but if that. or any belief is

being taught where it most likely would get people into legal trouble, then

that is immoral.

>A freewill man however, only lays claim to a free will, and through that the

body, mind and soul can be left unclaimed and not free.

Comment: Who, or what makes a claim? Is it not a mind? The 'mind' never

'owns' a body. It only commands a body as a 'vessel at sea'. The body of

a man is part of Earth Shan, and remains so, regardless what corporate body

may claim it. Maritime law says that the captain of a vessel is

supreme commander.

>A man of his own free will can board another's ship and thus be bound under the

Captains orders and the man who used his freewill cannot argue he was

tricked or

fooled or made a mistake.  Whereas a Freeman whose will, and body and soul

and mind are free could claim mistake.

Comment: This makes no sense. Once onboard a ship, the only choice of a man

of any status is to 'swim back to shore' if he desires to not be subject to the

captain of the vessel. The problem is that very few people understand that all

incorporated bodies are 'make-believe ships at sea'.

>If someone asks you to be a Freewill man ask about your mind, body and soul.

Should those not also be free and if so why are they not included?

Comment: Who or what is the 'You'? Is it not the mind that responsd to a

question. And. free will' is the God Given status of an adult man's mind.

One cannot be 'asked to be freewill'. One can only remind people that such is

their status.

>Do they not know that the inclusion of one creates the exclusion of the other?

Comment: An adult human body is a vessel under command of the mind.

The 'soul' is something that exists only as a vague concept in the mind.

The URANTIA Book writers suggest that it is an acasic record used to

re-create you on a higher or another dimension of eternal life.

> Between myself and Warman who asks you to fill out the government forms?

Does he not try to teach people HOW to interact with the government using their


Comment: I don't 'ask' anyone to fill out Government forms or

'interact with Government.

I suggest that to avoid the mental and physical duress that can be meted out by

Government, and rather than physical confrontation, the best method of


(turn the other cheek) is to act as scribe for the 'Crown or State

owned legal identity


Do I not do the exact opposite?  So who we must ask is the plant if

there is one trying

to lead people back into the governments grasp and control?  Does he

ask you to sign

their forms and use their number?

Comment: The Government does 'grasp and control' their own property,

which is the legal

identity name as seen on the birth certificate, which, itself, belongs

to the corporate State.

"Ask you to sign?"  I show people how to sign 'FOR' the strawman/legal

identity name' without

that signature imposing obligations upon the free will man who is

acting as scribe for the

legal fiction entity. The SSN or SIN are the numbers of legal identity

names, not the numbers

of men, unless the man allows the State to attach that man as a

accessory to that State

owned legal identity name, making the man and the State owned name one

entity, called

a 'person', 'natural person' or 'freeman'.

>Me thinks the judas goat has revealed themselves by trying to label me as it.


Comment: Guess we will have to let readers decide on that observation.