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Russia Faces 'Systemic Threat' rom Extremism: Medvedev

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MOSCOW (AFP) — President Dmitry Medvedev warned that Russia faced a "systemic threat" from extremism and urged security chiefs to be on alert for possible unrest linked to the economic crisis.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev

Against a background of renewed violence in the North Caucasus this week, Medvedev told interior ministry officials: "The phenomenon of extremism is a cause for great alarm.

"The level of this type of activity has risen by nearly a third.... This type of legal violation inflicts colossal damage and is a systemic threat to national security," Medvedev said.

The comments came amid continued violence in parts of Russia's historically restive North Caucasus, where security forces killed four alleged insurgents on Thursday in the mountainous region of Dagestan.

Medvedev also urged security chiefs to be on the lookout for unrest in connection with the economic crisis, in which Russians face a slump in the value of the ruble, rising inflation and unemployment, as well as disruption of the banking sector.

"We are falling under the influence of the global crisis -- a worsening problem of unemployment and other social issues. At such a time one encounters those who wish to speculate -- to use the situation. So one can't allow an already complicated situation to deteriorate.

"The task is to permanently monitor the situation in the regions," Medvedev said.

The Russian leader went on to warn of high levels of crime committed against children and told the interior ministry officials to monitor closely those with a criminal past or history of drug and alcohol abuse.

"The emphasis should be on prevention of illegal activity by so-called high-risk people: those with previous convictions, drug addicts and alcoholics," Medvedev said.