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Signing the Constitution

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----- Original Message -----
From: "farouk abdullah" <>
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:52 AM
Subject: Signing the Constitution



 In mid-July 2008 I wrote to you and "S" concerning a proposition for all Americans to sign a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments, thus making a formal declaration of their "Rights" and commitment to a "Republic". 


 Such a written declaration if properly witnessed and notarized should form a legal basis for a US Citizen to refuse to conform to any Federal Government legislation which is contrary to the Constitution (ie. Federal Income Taxes, the Federal Reserve System Notes, and the jurisdiction of Military courts (fringe flagged courts), and much, much more.


 My proposal is to spread this idea as widely as possible.  Form action groups, campus activists, etc.  Make people aware at the grassroots.


 This is in essence happening right now with the declaration of "sovereignty" by many States.  But these actions are more politically motivated and not issues generally known to the public.


 It is time for a grassroots campaign.  Time for individuals to wake up.


 By signing a copy of the Constitution you become a signatory thereto and join our Founding Fathers in declaring your Rights. 


 A copy of the Constitution of the United States of America and its Amendments can be obtained from many official US Government websites. Print a copy, date it and sign it before witnesses.  Then tell the Feds to "go fly kites" (an Asian saying with obvious meaning).


 Tom Kramer