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Video: Shoe thrown at Israeli envoy in Sweden

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STOCKHOLM: The Israeli ambassador to Sweden, Benny Dagan was struck by a shoe thrown by a woman during a lecture on Israel’s forthcoming elections at Stockholm University, media reports said.

The shoe hit Benny Dagan in the chest during the seminar Wednesday organized by the Stockholm Association of Foreign Affairs, the student association at the university, a local police official said.

Dagan continued his lecture after a short break but a heated discussion followed the seminar before being interrupted by the moderator.

Ylva Kornheffer, a board member of association, said she was “sitting in the front row and suddenly a shoe was flying over my head”. She added that another person threw two books at the envoy but missed. It was not known whether the attackers were students at the university.

Police escorted the two protesters, who were shouting insults, out of the room. They were taken to the Södermalm police station but were released after being questioned.

An Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George Bush, the former U.S. president, during a press conference in Baghdad in December over U.S.’ illegal occupation of Iraq.