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Urgent!: Demand Senate Vote on E-Verify Today!

Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA

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From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA

Date: Thursday 5FEB09 11 a.m. EST

Senate leaders may not allow E-Verify vote on Stimulus package -- Your phone calls urgently needed


Your reports back to us suggest that phones are ringing off the hook in many Senate offices as you urge that, if a Stimulus Bill passes, it will require fund recipients to use E-Verify to make sure Americans get the new jobs -- not illegal aliens.

I think we have a good chance to win on this E-Verify amendment if we can get a vote.

But Senate leaders may block a vote.

Our top need right now is for you to hammer your Senate offices and say that a refusal to even vote on the E-Verify amendment will lower the Senate to new depths of public revile.

Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Also, if you didn't read my alert yesterday afternoon, I have re-posted it below so you can act on it.

Keep track of breaking developments during the day by reading about them on our www.NumbersUSA.

com home page.<> Things will start moving so fast that we won't be able to notify all of you by email.

We will get very few (maybe none) additional chances this year to improve the immigration situation. Don't put off your activism for a more convenient time. This is a golden opportunity. Please take it.

Sent on: Wednesday 4FEB09


Famed analyst Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation has just released an estimate that the stimulus bill on the Senate floor would provide construction jobs to roughly 300,000 illegal aliens.

A Heritage Foundation release states that the travesty could be largely avoided if the Senate would adopt an amendment similar to one that passed the House requiring all recipients of stimulus money to use the E-Verify system.

Friends, it is imperative that as many of you as possibly can begin phoning and faxing the minute you see this. The amendments may come up for a vote tonight (but could just as easily be tomorrow). We must make sure that every Senator understands that a vote against an E-Verify amendment is a vote to use the stimulus money to hire 300,000 illegal-alien construction workers.

a.. Phone your Senators now at 202-224-3121. Go to your customized Action Buffet corkboard for a phone note <>with talking points and other assistance.

b.. Send faxes<> to your Senators about the pending construction worker travesty. The phone calls are much more effective and timely action before 6 p.m. EST. But we'll be delivering faxes all night.

c.. Go to your Senators' websites and email them the link to watch the TV ad that is running nationwide throughout the day on cable news networks. We need every staffer on the Hill to realize how foolish their boss will look voting to give the jobs of the fired workers on the elevator to illegal aliens.<>

You may also want to encourage the staffer on the phone to look at it while you are on the phone. You can offer to email it directly to the staffer, or tell them to go to YouTube and search for "Elevator Ad American Worker".

d.. Go to NumbersUSA home page<> frequently to follow the action on the floor of the Senate as it happens and to see the full Rector report.

The key points of Rector's analysis are these:

No. 1: If enacted, the Senate stimulus bill would fund over $100 billion in new government construction projects with the goal of providing additional jobs to unemployed Americans.

No. 2: Government estimates show that under current verification procedures, about one out of every seven persons hired to work in construction is an illegal alien.

No. 3: The Senate bill would provide roughly $104 billion in funding for a variety of construction projects. Normal government estimates indicate that each $1 billion spent on construction will create around 19,500 construction jobs, each lasting a year. Thus, $104 billion in funding in construction projects would ostensibly create construction-related jobs for about 2.04 million workers over several years.

No. 4: If the stimulus bill does not have additional requirements for verification, the normal ratio of illegal alien hiring will prevail. Applying the one in seven ratio to 2.04 million results in about 300,000 of those jobs going to illegal aliens.


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