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Instructions for Patriots

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----- Original Message -----
From: DA
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 1:24 PM
Subject: Instructions for Patriots
Instructions for Patriots

After reading Fourwinds for the last seven years I have realized that a simple strategy can restore America to the Constitution.

All our governments have been incorporated since Reconstruction according the fine work of "S".  This is an unconstitutional measure taken surreptitiously by the post-civil war Federal Government under its powers agreed upon as part of a seventy-year Bankruptcy of Nations contract with European money lenders through the Crown.

Although the same kind of agreement was reinstituted in 1938 it has now expired and today's turmoil is a run-up to putting a third version into place.

We can now institute a modern information society free of the industrial manipulation created by the European elites.

This is how we can do it:

Use wifi and old computers to create neighborhood communications systems able to reach several hundreds of homes each.

Each central neighborhood communications wifi station will have a group of computers connected that will have resident websites with all the information needed for a sustainable community.

Neighbors can decide what to include on the local servers to insure the community's independent functionality from the Elite dominated corporate media and communications control apparatus.

This could include a VOIP exchange for local voice communications, weather information, organic gardening, home-based education, elder-care, self-help medical techniques and a barter system, etc.

What must be included to provide a future for Americans is organizing and administration tools for local constitutional assemblies and voting precincts.

Open source software is available with only a few modifications to accomplish this now. With thousands of participating communities we could all share in the effort and construct a sophisticated system within a year.

Using simple systems like this we keep the Constitution and build on it using today's information tools.

These simple tools can reform our governments from the ground up by creating a parallel set of political institutions that are legal, constitutional entities. They would be bare bones, of course, but their existence will enable stability and confidence in the face of manufactured chaos meant to turn us all into fools.

I hope these simple comments will inspire others to think about whatcan be done in our own neighborhoods. This is where the change must take place.

Thank you