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Open Letter to Casper, Mr. Whistleblower, Patrick and Anne Bellringer and the Friends of Freedom

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From: DG
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 5:40 PM
Subject: Open Letter to Casper, Mr. Whistleblower, Patrick and Anne Bellringer and the Friends of Freedom
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I want to thank Casper for providing updates over the years, whereas, in the controlled media this would not happen.  It is a service that is immeasurable and dangerous to say the least.  As the saying goes, we all have our crosses to carry and some of the Patriots listed above the weight is that of the world.
This suitcase story seems to never die?  It must still be floating around to the highest bidder.  However, when you look at our elected officials and the action they take, it seems that the puppets sing and dance according to the puppeteers?  In my humble opinion this is evidence of the existence of blackmail, extortion and in this case a 'suitcase'.  The contents must be so horrific that it makes people sick to their stomach when they see what our elected officials have done in our name.  Wasn't it Bush Sr. who stated that, 'If people know what we did, we would be hung from the nearest lamppost."  That was the jest of it, maybe not exact in wording.  Why would a President of the United States of America make such a comment?  This begs the question, what are they hiding?  People, in our midst are scared to death about talking about it.  Therefore, the events must be so unimaginable and appalling that everyone would rather look the other way and carry on with their work?
Almost everyone.  As someone who was born in Macedonia and came to Canada many years ago, I swore an oath to Canada, not to any mortal man, Prime Minister, or likewise.  For my American friends, did you swear your allegiance to defend the Constitution of the United States of America or was the oath for the benefit of George Bush, Dick Cheney or Barack Obama?  A very important part of that oath is to defend against foes foreign and domestic.  Well my fellow Patriots, this definitely is a domestic issue!  No doubt about it.  While we obey the rule of law, they will stop at nothing, creating war, killing, raping, bribery, stealing means nothing to them.  They want something they simply take it and by any means necessary.  They are counting on our silence, they will kill for it.
Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves.  Imagine for one second if they would have let King George have his way with the 'colony'?  What is currently going on in the world makes that first American Revolution pale in comparison to today's problem.  Casper, I understand your situation, if you ask too many questions, you could be cut off from the in tell.  Take care of yourself?
I have recently, publicly, bashed Ambassador Leo E. Wanta.  Leo I know even communicating with me can compromise your situation and you will undoubtedly monitor where the wind is blowing from time to time, in the end I hope you will make the right decision?  So let me ask you one final question in today's rebuttal, when you signed on with the CIA and the US Treasury, which pledge of allegiance did you say?  King George or America the beautiful?
A not so disguised Patriot,