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Update on Paul Pantone

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----- Original Message -----
From: LP
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 7:38 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 Greetings Global Community,


 Thank you, everyone, for your personal interest and contributions so far.  Our efforts to spread awareness of, and to bring an end to Paul Pantone\'s plight, are quickly becoming more effective.


 The world is eagerly awaiting the release of Paul, so that he may proceed in inventing and sharing his scientific discoveries. 


 Contrary to some rumors, Paul has not yet been forcibly medicated with psychotropic drugs.  Though it is an impending threat that he will be forcibly medicated if he is not removed from the Utah State Hospital Forensics Unit (Mental Institution/Detention Facility) soon.  However, it is likely and suspected, that some staff may be slipping drugs into Paul\'s and other patient\'s meals on occasion.


 Despite Paul\'s three-year immersion in a mentally, emotionally, and physically traumatizing environment for over 3 years, he remains lucid, upbeat and keen on getting right back to inventing and teaching immediately upon his release. 


 We are well on our way to taking Paul out of harms way so that he may help human-kind, but we still have a few steps to go.  Please continue to tell everyone whom you are able about GEET (Gobal Environmental Energy Technology) and the current situation of the inventor, Paul Pantone.


 Click on the link below for the most current interview with Paul.  He discusses the difficulty he and other mistreated USH patients have in finding remedy and relief from the constant mental, emotional, and physical abuse they receive.  In many ways the treatment at Utah State Hospital in Provo, Utah is worse than that at Guantanamo Bay.  Let\'s let President Obama Know about it.




 David Pantone