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Will Erdogan's Critique On Israel Find a Backlash From USA?


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Will Erdogan's critique on Israel find a backlash from USA?


This past month, the Turkish government, the only government in the Middle East with good military ties to Israel, began publically criticizing Israel's war on Gaza (Dec. 2008 to Jan 2009).

In Davos, Switzerfland this past week, the head of the Turkish government, R.T. Erdogan, spoke up and critiqued Israel's approach to humanity and its hyperfocus on numbers of militants killed and weapons captured and destroyed in the recent one-sided war on Gaza.

The international press and international observers are expecting a backlash from the new U.S.A. regimen--a regime which generally sides nearly 100% with Israeli government and military claims.

Will a backlash and pressure be applied from the U.S. in 2009 to force Turkey to once again become more neutral in its relationship to Israel and other forces in the Middle East? 

I dunno--too hard to predict if Obama will continue Bush's Israel politics in longer term

Not this time, too little incentive in 2009 for US administration to support Israel more

Of course, Turkey depends on its own alliance with the USA .

Possibly,the U.S. may decide to allow Turkey to hold a stick over Israel's security

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