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Thousands of Israelis Protest Against the War in Gaza

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----- Original Message -----
From: Na
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Hello Patrick and Anne!

Patrick i enjoyed reading your open letter to casper, because as much as the Gospel of \"matthew, mark, luke and john\" were of spiritual and temporal importance in the past and today too, of course, many of us rely and count on the Gospel of Patrick/fourwinds for the very same reasons, today!

After all, the word \"Gospel\" does mean \"News!\"   :>)

Also, after reading the continuing sad, distressing news concerning the Palestinian suffering, i had to send this on to you, in light of the fact that the Israeli\'s only, and first line of defence, when speaking out about the atrocities committed by them, is to cry \"Jew hater\" or \"Anti-Semite;\" all of your readers may not be aware that not everyone who is against the Israeli government policy of death and destruction to Palestinians is anti-jew, as the following video is about Israelis for justice in Gaza -- and their voices need to be heard as strongly as any of the others.


Well, here is the link for this video Patrick and Anne and hoping we are all living in a kinder, gentler, more peaceful world tomorrow!

P.S. Also, your readers may want to check out the website:

Thank you!